"He whom fights cringe must find it in himself to not become cringe"
Rambling on a bit more about it
Yea. don't get me wrong, there is a point where stuff is cringeworthy, the word exists for a fucking reason, but holy fuck is it hella easy to ruin a guy's life for no other reason aside from 'hurr hurr crynge'. that's honestly a big fear for me, someone will find some random quirk I have, and because how dare I not be the same as everyone else, It'll apparently mean I'm some utter monster that deserves to be burnt on a stake, I mean hey, that's what leafy did.
There is behavior that shouldn't be tolerated, I mean, I think if you eat your own clothes, shit and mucus at 20 you should be berated for being an absolutely retarded manchild, but on the other hand, heaven forbid, this guy is different than me, and uhhh, he looks dumb…CRIUNGE Goyz
Also, is it just me or do most 'anti-cringe' folk seem to be sort of authoritarian, pro-conformity or perfectionism motherfuckers? they seem to be unaware of the idea that humans aren't perfect, and therefore any humans that display flaws or quirks need to be harassed.
and considering children are common targets of 'cringe complimations', while kids can be cringeworthy and made fun of[see: sammyclassicsonicfan], a lot of the time, be honest, pretty much every kid is cringeworthy and does stupid shit, bet your ass did as well, they're probably gonna grow up, grow smart and look back and think their actions are stupid, harassing kids for being kids is dumb. harassing adults for being absurdly childish mentally isn't.
once again, there are occassions where I think kids can be targets of cringeworthy humor[such as when kids are trying to sound smart by saying radical political opinions for example, such as kids saying they support white supremacy or socialism, whilst probably not understanding either actual ideology and merely wanting attention, there's much more than 'political kids' but I'm too lazy to state every example and plus it would take very long and drag out my point], but if your gonna attack kids for not being perfect, go fuck yourself
so there's my dumb long ramble, call me a cuck or something but fuck, unlike you, I'm aware there's a thing called free speech.