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What do you think about the "Anti-Cringe community"?

Last posted May 09, 2017 at 10:17PM EDT. Added Apr 16, 2017 at 05:07PM EDT
9 posts from 9 users

I'll be more specific here:I'm talking about those channels and websites dedicated solely about "cringe content",which is most of the time against the popular fanbases like MLP,FNAF,stuff on Deviantart and SJWs.
I know that here the Cringeworthy gallery was closed because it turned pretty much into this

But it seems that out of this website, things get much worse,a lot of them consider cringe things that are just tame and it's from something they dislike or call cringe whenever there is someone socially awkward or simply stupid and don't get me start with those Clorox Bleach youtube accounts.

To me the word cringe completely lost its meaning at this point.
I'll be honest I part of this "fanbase" not so long ago but I stopped because of the previous reasons.
So what do you think about this?

Last edited Apr 16, 2017 at 05:08PM EDT

this Tumblr post I feel is important:

Any time you see a meme of some “bad” artwork, or a piece of “cringy fandom art with thousands of notes (that’s actually just an innocent drawing), some “poorly-drawn” sparkledog or fursona, it’s very likely it’s a kid’s drawing. And those kids WILL see it.

I especially see a lot of reposted artwork of sonic ocs and fursonas on tumblr just for people to laugh at, and when I trace the artwork back to dA, it was made by some 12 year old.

On a smaller scale: when I was a kid, I worked for hours and hours to animate some cute dogs, one with hovering with a little pair of wings, another to look like it was taking a nap and breathing serenely, but when I posted it, the site sped it up or something. I put it on deviantart, and someone older said it looked like something was trying to burst out of the dog, and everyone started making fun of it and laughing. I was 9. I went to my neopets pages and deviantart and deleted all of my animations and gifs in case any of the others were actually “bad” without me noticing.

I didn’t try animating again for a long, long time. And I didn’t post anything new to deviantart for years. Most importantly, I didn’t improve much during that time.

Later, when I made friends with supportive artists, I got better in a few weeks than I had in over a year.

The approval or disapproval from older artists will literally make or break younger artists and their careers. Their futures are literally in our hands. We need to be gentle with them.

The "Cringe emotion" is brought on for different things by different people. Same as what brings people joy/ hate etc. is different. For me, there is a very specific group of things that I would personally "trigger" the "cringe emotion" for lack of better terms. They are not very common and most would agree are pretty tame compared to what others would consider "real cringe"(whatever that means). And that's fine. What I also don't do is go around and tell people about how "cringey" this stuff is. Should also be noted, I never got the appeal of cringe humor. Showing people stuff you think they will like, I get. Showing people stuff to make people scared can be good for some, as they like getting scared once in a while. Showing people stuff that they are disgusted with? And not "this is something horrible that happened and you need to know about it" disgusted but "hey look at this bad fanart/fan fiction/ comment/ action someone did/ other thing." I never got the appeal of that.

i got a bit of a 'he who fights cringe, becomes even cringier' mentality when it comes to people so devoted to 'exposing' these sorts of things, who try to denounce entire groups because one youngster or amateur isn't up to their standard

zealots who think they're on a crusade against faggotry when they themselves are sometimes way more intrusive and irritating than the person who is harmlessly posting drawings for his favored fandom

Castigat ridendo mores. Cringe has its uses. I can sometimes appreciate it when it's used to discourage an objectionable belief or deflate a pompous person. Copypasta is a great example of this.

I don't like cringe for the sake of cringe though, especially when it goes after people who aren't trying to hurt anyone or make any pretensions to undue importance. The communities that tend to form around that kind of thing are stacked with lowlifes.

Hmm. This is a tricky one and I don't have a solid answer, but I do have a few observations. Internet communities do a fine job of reinforcing bad behaviors. When a group of people come together over a shared interest in something that 99% of the world's population finds objectionable, they will constantly assure each other that they have nothing be ashamed of. Shame, however, is not an inherently bad thing. My prior flirtation with Bronyism taught me that refusing to enforce community standards of decency will only result in your entire community being associated with deviancy.

But I've also noticed that it is easy to make someone you disagree with look like an idiot if you are the one who frames the debate. There are plenty of YouTube videos showing heated television arguments with titles like, "X totally roasts Y on live TV." More often than not, both sides shot off some good points and there was no clear winner, but the comments exclusively support the idea that Y is an idiot and X is a hero. Then there's the matter of cringey art. I've laughed at bad Sonic OCs too, but as someone said above, many OCs come from young people taking their first awkward steps towards creativity. Constructive criticism is good, but telling someone to never make art again is not.

So, the argument that we can never be judgmental or critical of someone else's behavior is disastrous, but so is being overly critical. I guess that means we shouldn't be afraid to point out what we don't like and why, but it should be tempered with humility. I'd tell people to use their best judgement, but that's kind of vague and can vary wildly between people. The best I got is to voice disapproval while not being a excessively negative.


I've never really found most media things (fanfics, art, AMVs, etc.) to be all that cringy, so videos and whatnot posted about them just make me shrug and carry on. For me, "real" cringe is based on IRL interactions (speeches, conversations, etc.), since that's stuff that I can directly relate to (and/or fear) and really feel that second-hand embarrassment that's so vital to genuine cringe.

It's hard to feel embarrassed for a random anonymous person who can just make a new account to escape their infamy or who had the ability to look over what they were about to post and go "yeah, I want the internet to see this."

I laugh at poorly done artwork or badly written stories, and i find it tickles my funny bone when errors are noticed or pointed out, sometimes done intentionally and sometimes not. Oney is one such individual whose art and humor comes to mind, it's bad but also funny.

For me, I simply laugh and move on, unless someone actually asks me to give them my opinion​. I don't see a reason to comment on their art, and i know I wouldn't want someone I didn't know commenting on my own works. Those who feel compelled to go out of their way to insult others publicly or be loud about their comments on cringe, probably are just attention starved and are lashing out to be noticed.

It's a.sad existence, but commenting on them further just encourages them. Instead i just laugh at these people snd move on with my day, like i do all the other cringe content.

"He whom fights cringe must find it in himself to not become cringe"

Rambling on a bit more about it

Yea. don't get me wrong, there is a point where stuff is cringeworthy, the word exists for a fucking reason, but holy fuck is it hella easy to ruin a guy's life for no other reason aside from 'hurr hurr crynge'. that's honestly a big fear for me, someone will find some random quirk I have, and because how dare I not be the same as everyone else, It'll apparently mean I'm some utter monster that deserves to be burnt on a stake, I mean hey, that's what leafy did.

There is behavior that shouldn't be tolerated, I mean, I think if you eat your own clothes, shit and mucus at 20 you should be berated for being an absolutely retarded manchild, but on the other hand, heaven forbid, this guy is different than me, and uhhh, he looks dumb…CRIUNGE Goyz

Also, is it just me or do most 'anti-cringe' folk seem to be sort of authoritarian, pro-conformity or perfectionism motherfuckers? they seem to be unaware of the idea that humans aren't perfect, and therefore any humans that display flaws or quirks need to be harassed.

and considering children are common targets of 'cringe complimations', while kids can be cringeworthy and made fun of[see: sammyclassicsonicfan], a lot of the time, be honest, pretty much every kid is cringeworthy and does stupid shit, bet your ass did as well, they're probably gonna grow up, grow smart and look back and think their actions are stupid, harassing kids for being kids is dumb. harassing adults for being absurdly childish mentally isn't.

once again, there are occassions where I think kids can be targets of cringeworthy humor[such as when kids are trying to sound smart by saying radical political opinions for example, such as kids saying they support white supremacy or socialism, whilst probably not understanding either actual ideology and merely wanting attention, there's much more than 'political kids' but I'm too lazy to state every example and plus it would take very long and drag out my point], but if your gonna attack kids for not being perfect, go fuck yourself

so there's my dumb long ramble, call me a cuck or something but fuck, unlike you, I'm aware there's a thing called free speech.


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