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Another Worst Fandoms Thread

Last posted Apr 24, 2017 at 09:18PM EDT. Added Apr 19, 2017 at 10:07AM EDT
29 posts from 23 users

It's been a while since there's been a thread cataloging the worst fandoms. Whether their behavior is cringy, annoying, offensive or legitimately harmful, these fandoms make the more chill members of said fandoms look bad.

I'll start with Steven Universe. To this day, I still can't believe how entitled and elitist the SU fanbase acted years ago. They would police pretty much everything related to the show. In essence, if you're a brony, a male, a white person cosplaying as any of the gems, a porn artist, an artist drawing fat characters to be skinnier, or have differing opinions from the hive mind, you are not allowed to enjoy the show according to them.

But what sent this fandom to a new low was when they bullied Zamii070 to near suicide over her fanart. To see a group of people interested in a show that encourages positivity resort to endangering a person's life over petty shit is absolutely despicable.

So, any other fandoms that grind your gears?

Smash (Casual and Competitive Snobs)

These people make me at times regret that I play this game at all, which most people got an unhealthy dose of on this site. I'm not going to exclude the fact that I took part in these arguments with other people (i.e. LizardGuy and JJ) to the point of near bullying. Casual snobs usually incite contention with competitive players to get a rise out of them (LizardGuy), and competitive snobs get pissy if you don't play/see the game exactly the way you do (JJ).

Also, Melee die hards have almost no sense of self-awareness. For example, at CEO Dreamland, an ad was shown for promoting the game Brawlhalla at an upcoming tournament, while having it be disguised as "Melee HD." Viewers and fans were pissed, yet I saw a joke like this coming a mile away (especially the case with Nintendo NOT EVEN SPONSORING CEO DREAMLAND IN THE FIRST PLACE!). You people are an embarrassment to the Smash community, and I love playing Melee as my main competitive game.

Fire Emblem: It's either you love the older games and hate the 3DS titles, or you love the 3DS titles and hate the older games--there is no middle ground.

  • With the ones that love the older titles and shit on the 3DS titles, they constantly call those who like the 3DS games "weebs" or shit like that, claiming that those titles "ruined Fire Emblem because fanservice." This side also manages to shit on the 3DS fans for only knowing about the older Fire Emblems because of Smash Bros. and Heroes. News flash: you were the same way when you first saw Marth and Roy in Melee. I only played/completed the 3DS Fire Emblems so far, and I still play Heroes. Would you shit on me because these three made me wanna play the older Fire Emblems, because I got the first localized Fire Emblem game on my Wii U and I like that game a lot (only beat Lyn's story so far, haven't had much time to play due to irl stuff).
  • As for those who only played/loved the 3DS titles, at times they wouldn't give the older titles a chance because "No casual mode, permadeath." While I do agree that's a good reason to keep playing the 3DS titles, you gotta step up to the plate eventually--hell, try it out on your 3DS games, they have the permadeath option. TBH, I actually haven't played Classic yet, but I plan to once I beat FE7.

Don't see why this needed another thread


Anime can be yonkers bad and by really bad.

The FGC online fandom can be bad, you get berated on using a certain character, what fighting game you play. It makes discussing fighting games not too enjoyable.

Same can go with the Smash community.

Oh boy, here we go. Guess I should throw in my few cents.

Steven Universe: …I don't even think I need to explain that one.


Sword Art Online: I've yet to see an anime fandom as entitled and bratty as they are: whenever somebody like Geoff Thew for example criticizes the show, they instantly turn to insults, telling people to kill themselves and resorting to arguments like "NO BUT YOU DON'T GET IT THIS IS AN ANIME THIS ISN'T SUPPOSED TO BE REALISTIC"

SiIvaGunner: Don't get me wrong. I LOVE the stuff the team puts out on the channel. That being said, the fanbase is complete and utter shit. Be it cancerous and repetitive comments that sometimes don't even involve the rip in question, to actually attempting to flag the channel down because of the bean (which I admit was bad but it wasn't worth risking the channel over). However, these are still saints compared to another youtube fandom…

DaddyOFive: …and that would be this one. The amount of people actively ENCOURAGING these people to abuse their kids is staggering.

Cheaps shots here, but other than agreeing with what's been put here (especially for DaddyOFive, because they're essentially enablers and they piss me off):

League of Legends/DOTA/MOBAs in general: I am fairly sure we are all familiar with the kind of salt these folks can put out when you make just one choice they don't like. Any sort of deviation from the norm can lead to someone throwing the game entirely in a fit of pique. Oh, and the usual "the guy who is actually bad thinks the only one that's good and will start belting out racist insults that don't even match your nationality when the team inevitably screws up (not necessarily losing)". That one was too goddamn frequent.

Semi-honorable mention: Order of the Stick: I can't put my finger on it, can't even explain why, but I've been to forum threads including their own and they creep me the fuck out. And that's excluding the frankly retarded levels of speculation reached after every update.

Music/Rhythm Games: You'll see people bitching at the developers for not putting the music they want as DLC. Most of the time, the whiners are metal fans who will bash anything not metal.

Anti-SJW: Technically, this is a fanbase. They often criticize SJWs for being too offended, but they make a 180 when they complain about any female or POC protagonist.

Call Of Duty: You either Love the classics and hate the new games or Hate the classic's and love the new games, you will have to listen to grown men at 3 am getting into arguments with kids over why using a grenade launcher makes you and a quote "A Noob Launching Nigger Faggot". Also Kids. You will also have people start calling you a hacker if you're too good.

Counter Strike: Competitive scene is complete cancer and you will be bashed on if you make the slightest mistake if you queue up with randoms. You'll here grown men fighting with teens at 2 am for why using a certain gun makes you and I quote "A No Skill Nigger Faggot". You'll also run into Smurfers. Lots and Lots of Smurfers. People will get VAC'd and they'll cry about it in the discussion forums while people will tell them that they brought it upon themselves.

Unturned: Kids. Just Kids.

Day Z: Kos'ers. Nuff said

Undertale: If you haven't played it and you don't think this game is the second coming of Christ, "you need to play it". If you kill off a few key monsters, "NO don't kill Papyrus! He's my Skeleton Husband!!!!!!11111!" "No don't kill Toriel! She's my Goat Mommy!!!!!!!1111!!!!" Also Kids. Nuff Said

Youtuber Fandoms: Youtube Fandoms range from cool and understanding to just plain horrible and cringe worthy. If you don't like a certain youtuber, you're basically Hitler to them. If you like a Youtuber the fandom's person hates, You're basically Hitler.

Anime Fandoms: Doesn't matter if the author and artist say certain character's are together, They will keep shipping two opposite people together. If you like a certain anime that everyone hates, it's shit and you have shit taste.

Minecraft Fandom: This is low hanging fruit but to get a point across, people think that this game is the best thing ever and that you need to accept that into your mind. If you claim that a Minecraft Youtuber is shit, his legion of fans will insult you into oblivion. Also Griefers.

Roblox: This game's fandom…… it has a bunch of issues.

Musical Artist Fandoms: "(insert artist or band here) is way better than (insert modern day artists or bands here)" "(Insert artist's name) is utter trash! No one in their right mind would like them now! Their earlier work is better than this trash!" "You listen to (insert music genre here)? You have shit taste in music! Listen to (Insert favorite band or musical artist here in genre of music)! They are way better than your garbage music!"

Last edited Apr 19, 2017 at 06:14PM EDT

To add some positivity, the SMT… SMGT? dem weebs what like weird atlas RPGs fandom has been remarkably not assholish around the new fans. Just individual recommendations of games.

OT – Will I get downvotes if I say Trumpites/Bernie bros?
r/the_donald is the single dumbest collection of little shits to ever have existed and sanders in not literally jesus. He got less votes than Clinton. Shut. UP

chowzburgerz wrote:

Music/Rhythm Games: You'll see people bitching at the developers for not putting the music they want as DLC. Most of the time, the whiners are metal fans who will bash anything not metal.

Anti-SJW: Technically, this is a fanbase. They often criticize SJWs for being too offended, but they make a 180 when they complain about any female or POC protagonist.

Oh, hey, someone else who acknowledges how bad the rhythm game fandoms can be. Rock Band, in particular; I'm just happy there's a new game and we're getting weekly DLC, but every week, there's that one guy bitching about how we don't have any Metallica (who, y'know, licensing issues kinda prevent).

Anyway, to actually contribute to the conversation, sports fandom in general. Especially teams like the Patriots, Penguins, and Warriors. God.

Jimmy 3, People 0 wrote:

Oh, hey, someone else who acknowledges how bad the rhythm game fandoms can be. Rock Band, in particular; I'm just happy there's a new game and we're getting weekly DLC, but every week, there's that one guy bitching about how we don't have any Metallica (who, y'know, licensing issues kinda prevent).

Anyway, to actually contribute to the conversation, sports fandom in general. Especially teams like the Patriots, Penguins, and Warriors. God.

And they're relatively tame over there, usually.

If we referred to certain groups as pieces of the soccer fandom as a whole, man that'd be the worst fandom ever. They still burn shit down here every time the two big teams face off.

In my opinion the most problematic are (to the most infamous to the less toxic):
- YOUTUBE Fandoms in general: the majority of them are very toxic and over dramatic for the sake of this, from fanboyism to certain trend or famous user to the hate to some user or trend for something pity, from trolling to flamewars to dramas with famous users mixed with G.I.F.T. (great internet fuckward theory) everywhere. To the point that the community is on the level of some infamous communities of internet (like imageboards, trolling message boards, MOBAs or even the deep web).
- Steven Universe: Dear Lord, with the infamous case of zamii070 (and with the SJWs craziness from tumblr) the fandom is very toxic to the point of harass to death to anyone that dont follow their ideas (even the production crew of the show is not safe from this).
- IWC (internet wrestling community): A one word to describe the community is ''ENTITLEMENT'', yeah they always whinning for something, even the most trivial shit, the circlejerk of anti-cena or now anti-reigns is annoying the majority of times and when they bitch that dont push of their favorite wrestler, and when he is lately pushed they claim that he is like the next CENA or simply overrated.
- Video Games fandoms: In general vary, to mature and talkative to annoying and obnoxious, with idiotic ''wars'' of consoles (with trolls and fanboys in the fight), fights between oldfags and noobs, to overhype to some game and whinning that the earlier games are better than the newer ones, and also like the typicial bias in big fandoms that ''x'' genre or game that you like is shit and my favorite genre or game is better than yours. Yeah to the point that they attack other fandoms sometimes for things that they dont like.
- Latin American's fandoms: They in my opinion are sometimes more toxic than the anglophone world, every fandom (video game, anime, movies, cartoons) fights with everything, and when something is popular and well received they shit on this (even if is not bad) and claim that is overrated only for beign POPULAR, to fights between the ''veterans'' and the ''niños rata'' and more drama to the level of youtube.and have trolling behaviour.
- Meme fandoms: Although rarely talked, some of them are very elitist with some memes, specially of this one become very popular that with the mainstream in general to the point that they lately bitch to any new meme of some point to prefer their fav ones (like dank) to the point to ''MEME ELITISM''
- Music fandoms: like many people say in this thread and for experience and the same thing like video games, wars for tastes of music to the point to going to ''le wrong generation'' level.
- MOBAs (like dota2): No comments
- Comic Book fandoms: like iwc and video games, to much fights of DC vs Marvel, entitlement, complainment to new things in some comic from the big 2 etc.
- Shonen Jump fandoms: shipping wars everywhere, zealots and bitching to something pity (very notorious with the big 3)
- MLP fandom: Although this fandom has been overhated and hopefully died down this situation, i confess that there were some rotten apples (specially from boards like /mlp/) with some dramas that happened like the fiascos of some conventions, the negative reaction of the first equestria girls movie, to even some episodes that were not all bad. Hopefully all things are very well ground in the fandom (even if is a niche now).
- Star Wars fandom: trashing every new thing of the franchise for something.
P.D. I didnt know that DaddyOFive have a ''fandom''.

Last edited Apr 20, 2017 at 11:21PM EDT

Surprised no one has mentioned the "serial killers fandom"
Y'know, the people who deify shitstain human beings like the Columbine killers, etc.
Because I can't think of a worse group of people than those who glorify the actions of deranged individuals who brutally murdered mostly innocent people

Last edited Apr 21, 2017 at 12:34AM EDT

"Fanservice" (or softcore-to-hardcore porn) alone isn't a legitimate reason to watch any medium outside of actual porn. Your 2D drawing from some underpaid South Korean studio is not capable of being your wife. Story is not a 5-minute plot stretched out over a course of 3 episodes. The excuse of "DON'T JUDGE UNLESS YOU WATCH IT!" is the lowest form of bait possible since you can perform amazing mental gymnastics by asking "If they hated anime so much, why did they watch it?" Big tits are not character development.

If you like anime, that's fine. If you believe/apply to anything written above, that's not fine.

The fandoms i think are the worst.(sorry if these got mention already)
Sword Art Online: I think the show is very terrible but people don't have act like a bunch of brats because someone is having a different opinion.
The King of Fighters: They have one of the most biggest nostalfags fans i ever seen most of these people are saying "everything after KOF 2002 is shit" "man KOF 98 was the best" the list goes on.
Naruto: no for nothing this is called the Hall of Anal Devastation
Dragon Ball Z: Can be summarized as Goku can beat everyone and you are an idiot if you think otherwise.

Last edited Apr 21, 2017 at 04:20AM EDT

I got another one, but it's unsurprising coming from me:
The JoJo fandom. I lost interest in Jojo because of the fandom, something that shouldn't happen with me normally.

  • They would denounce any anime as inferior and claim that Jojo is the second coming of Christ or something. They also think people should just like Jojo in general--"YOU DON'T LIKE IT? YOU GOTTA WATCH IT AGAIN!" If I say I don't like it, I don't. Plus in my opinion, skipping parts and not reading the manga is not that big of a deal. When I first saw the show two years ago, I was new to it that I started at Stardust Crusaders because that's what I saw a lot of online. I didn't know that was part 3 until further research. I couldn't finish anyway because I lost interest. Even so, I still got a good idea of what was going on, and I didn't need a prequel or source material to know that.
  • Plus, the Jojo references. I'll admit some of them are pretty funny but they became obnoxious. Go to the YouTube comments of any song referenced in Jojo, you got people going ORAORAORA or other Jojo shit. Every Pokemon Sun/Moon info that was revealed last year, OMG HE POSING LIKE DIO. Check the YouTube cokments on Nostalgia Critic's Clockstoppers video, you see comments like ZA WARUDO all because the movie has time stopping powers (WHICH A LOT OF STUFF HAS, IT'S NOT JUST JOJO), of because Nostalgia Critic says "The world will know our wrath" at the end of the review.
    I get that other fandoms do that reference thing as well, but why is it that it's not OK if the MLP, FNAF, Undertale, Overwatch, or any similar fandom does all of that but the JJBA fandom is allowed to? That's hypocrisy.
  • Just one last point: now I can't even tell if people like Jojo ironically or unironically. I'm talking in general, when you go online. I did meet a few people that like Jojo and understand that the points above are definitely annoying, even they admit the Jojo fandom gets bad like that. Looks like I found people who like it unironically.
Last edited Apr 21, 2017 at 11:10AM EDT

Here I go again:

UC Gundam fanbrats: They will trash any Gundam series that doesn't set in UC just because they didn't set in UC and they act incredibly annoying about it. I'm just glad I haven't them for quite a while.

And here's some new additions.

KYM Jojo fandom (gulp):

One of the main things I hate about KYM Jojo fandom is they are pretty elitism; they tend to trash any anime series that isn't MANLY. Another problem I have is Jojo fans tend to shove "watch Jojo" to my face even when the time isn't right.

To be fair, they have softened down (aside from the "is this a jojo reference???" part) as of late, but still.

Spongebob fandom:

Alright, that's more about me tired of them using "Flanderized" like a crazy maniac than anything. As I said before, their characterization varied a lot between episodes, it's just that the writers tend to make them either unlikable or annoying in post-movie seasons.

The Jojo fandom in KYM hasn't bothered me too much, but what's particularly sparked some "This isn't okay" thoughts is usually that, aside from blatant cases, if someone even implies the ref might be a stretch and that maybe it's getting annoying, the response amounts to "Fuck you, we'll do it anyways" followed by an avalanche of even more. Acting like they own the damn place, basically. Was it like that during pony times too?

Some users here already showed my same feelings for the Jojo fanbase.
Now I want to take part too
Now don't get me wrong I love Jojo but this fanbase is insane.

One of the worst things about these fans is the whole "Jojo reference" thing,people think that every single time in a anime there is a muscular character or a series that shifts from a cute and modern style to manly and badass,you will find that group of people saying that is a Jojo reference or making a Jojo reference.
Because you know one of the selling points of Jojo are clearly the manliness and muscles,which it was for like 2 parts and half.
And I don't to sound repetitive but many of them mistake a Fist of the North Star reference for Jojo,how can these people call the animes crap if they have so little acknowledge of animes,every real anime fan know about Kenshiro,even non-fans of the series

Speaking of other Shonen/Seinen fanbases one that striked me the most was the One Punch Man fanbase,I thought that it was almost impossible achieving levels of bad as Dragon Ball and Naruto in the shonen scene but I was wrong.
At first it was simple but over time it became obnoxious.
Whenever there is a discussion about who is the strongest character in fiction,there will always be that guy saying "Saitama can beat him",now there are a some fans who know that he's just a a parody character,but most of them they don't,the can't accept the idea that there is a someone stronger than Saitama,even when it's meant to be a joke they're still angry about it.
This whole circlejerking is so bad that they come to the point of breaking his character so they can be satisfied.

One that I will never understand is the Edgy Jokers as I like to call them.
I'm talking about those people with Facebook pages and Youtubers who constantly make jokes about tragedies and deadly diseases.
Don't get me wrong I like some black humor but there is always a limit.
People who not even a day after something awful happens and they're ready to make fun of the whole thing.It's even worse when they're people from the same country,talking about showing no sympathy for a compatriot.
Their excuse is always "you're just triggered or oversensitive get over it",tsk.

Anyway sorry for this long post,but I just wanted to go in depth with these.

Greek YouTube is full of toxic fandoms, but the ones that takes the cake and devour it are those who belongs to 2J and Manos. Just say something about them. It doesn't have to be insulting. It doesn't even have to be negative. Just say their names and their zombies will attack you. Why? Because according to some immature kids, 2J and Manos are the ultimate gods of the Greek YouTube, and even putting their names into your mouth is blasphemous. Oh yeah. it's as stupid as it sounds.

Call of Duty – Kids and Shills

Overwatch – Angriest People you can find on the internet

DOTA Based Games – Elitists

Anime Community – Too Nicheshy

MLP – I used to be a Brony around the early 2010s. I watched only the first 2 seasons with my younger sister. Funny that it helped fixed my relationship with her but I digress. I began hating it when KYM had endless MLP Posts, which led me to stop going to this site for a short period of time until the mods implemented the "Show Fewer Ponies"

Aside from my personal experience, Bronies has one of the most cringiest people along with Sonic, Minecraft, FNAF etc. Speaking of whom…

Sonic, Minecraft, & FNAF

PC community – Bourgeois who don't know how to shut the fuck up like me.

Last edited Apr 22, 2017 at 08:55PM EDT

- IWC (internet wrestling community): A one word to describe the community is ’’ENTITLEMENT’’, yeah they always whinning for something, even the most trivial shit, the circlejerk of anti-cena or now anti-reigns is annoying the majority of times and when they bitch that dont push of their favorite wrestler, and when he is lately pushed they claim that he is like the next CENA or simply overrated.

@Mr. JL yeah, the IWC can be a tad annoying. Over on r/squaredcircle, the hate bandwagon against JBL for the whole Mauro situation is such a hassle to deal with. Internet smarks in general can be really annoying, especially when they think they have complete knowledge of the business and how to book properly. That being said, as rowdy as they are, meeting wrestling fans irl is a pretty cool experience. 2sweeting people who wore Bullet Club shirts at Anime Expo last year was one of the best experiences I've had with a fandom or community.

Last edited Apr 23, 2017 at 12:01AM EDT


Okay, uh, back on topic… a personal one most won't get, but Antibirth fans: Antibirth's a big, big mod for The Binding of Isaac, and its shitty fandom is partly because of how good it is. Mostly, the fact that they don't seem to hesitate to shit all over Edmund's work, all over the original game, all over Ridiculon's music, all over every goddamn thing because "Antibirth did it better". It's one thing to praise a mod, but it's another to take a big, fat shit on the work that made it even possible in the first place, and the creator that made it to begin with, because you like the mod more. Some people actually believe Afterbirth+, the latest expansion which still has content released every month, was made exclusively to take attention off "the masterpiece that is Antibirth". Hardcore elitism at its worst; you shit on the ones that you once loved just to praise your new crowd. Fuck off with that.

Last edited Apr 23, 2017 at 11:37PM EDT


I couldn't care less what people are into, I've seen dozens of fandoms that have come and gone with utter indifference. MLP has been the only exception, the only one that has ever caused me irritation and annoyance. Why? solely for the reason of how encompassing it used to be, how it invaded the farthest stretches of the internet and popular media. These days, it's not so bad, or at all, anymore as it seems its popularity has dwindled over the years. But I still recall how the MLP fandom inflicted itself into almost everything I held dear, my favorite films, games, literature. It use to be everywhere and it still leaves scar on my mind to this day.

Last edited Apr 24, 2017 at 12:45AM EDT

Mr. Candles wrote:


Okay, uh, back on topic… a personal one most won't get, but Antibirth fans: Antibirth's a big, big mod for The Binding of Isaac, and its shitty fandom is partly because of how good it is. Mostly, the fact that they don't seem to hesitate to shit all over Edmund's work, all over the original game, all over Ridiculon's music, all over every goddamn thing because "Antibirth did it better". It's one thing to praise a mod, but it's another to take a big, fat shit on the work that made it even possible in the first place, and the creator that made it to begin with, because you like the mod more. Some people actually believe Afterbirth+, the latest expansion which still has content released every month, was made exclusively to take attention off "the masterpiece that is Antibirth". Hardcore elitism at its worst; you shit on the ones that you once loved just to praise your new crowd. Fuck off with that.

This whole situation is very similiar to the one with the Brutal Doom fans.
It's basically a mod for Doom,an amazing mod.It takes everything Doom created and push it over 1000.I love this mod but its creator and most of the fans are awful.
They praise the mod as "this is how it was meant to be played since it came out",sure this was pretty much the intention of Doom' creators but it's not a good excuse for harassing every mod creator to make it compatible with this mod.
The best part of Doom mods is the fact that you can also play with different types of gameplay that highly differ from the original one.
For the creator himself,as far as I know,he's a prick.He doesn't give credit to the people who helped him and has bad temper.
So yeah,this mod has a bad reputation because of the fanbase who also show immense disgust to whoever use a joystick rather than a mouse and keyboard.

Rylade475 wrote:

I got another one, but it's unsurprising coming from me:
The JoJo fandom. I lost interest in Jojo because of the fandom, something that shouldn't happen with me normally.

  • They would denounce any anime as inferior and claim that Jojo is the second coming of Christ or something. They also think people should just like Jojo in general--"YOU DON'T LIKE IT? YOU GOTTA WATCH IT AGAIN!" If I say I don't like it, I don't. Plus in my opinion, skipping parts and not reading the manga is not that big of a deal. When I first saw the show two years ago, I was new to it that I started at Stardust Crusaders because that's what I saw a lot of online. I didn't know that was part 3 until further research. I couldn't finish anyway because I lost interest. Even so, I still got a good idea of what was going on, and I didn't need a prequel or source material to know that.
  • Plus, the Jojo references. I'll admit some of them are pretty funny but they became obnoxious. Go to the YouTube comments of any song referenced in Jojo, you got people going ORAORAORA or other Jojo shit. Every Pokemon Sun/Moon info that was revealed last year, OMG HE POSING LIKE DIO. Check the YouTube cokments on Nostalgia Critic's Clockstoppers video, you see comments like ZA WARUDO all because the movie has time stopping powers (WHICH A LOT OF STUFF HAS, IT'S NOT JUST JOJO), of because Nostalgia Critic says "The world will know our wrath" at the end of the review.
    I get that other fandoms do that reference thing as well, but why is it that it's not OK if the MLP, FNAF, Undertale, Overwatch, or any similar fandom does all of that but the JJBA fandom is allowed to? That's hypocrisy.
  • Just one last point: now I can't even tell if people like Jojo ironically or unironically. I'm talking in general, when you go online. I did meet a few people that like Jojo and understand that the points above are definitely annoying, even they admit the Jojo fandom gets bad like that. Looks like I found people who like it unironically.

One more thing I forgot to point out is that anytime you see a Top 10 Anime list or something similar on YouTube, there are ALWAYS comments asking "Where's Jojo? You forgot Jojo." Guys, it's either the person making the list hasn't seen Jojo yet or saw it but personally felt it doesn't belong on the list. You can't just put Jojo in a list just because it's popular, there has to be a reason as to why something Jojo-related is in the list.

Last edited Apr 24, 2017 at 09:19PM EDT

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