Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, there was a simple mailpony by the name of Ditzy Doo. Most people however called her Derpy Hooves due to the lazy eye she got. The day started off normally, just eating a breakfast muffin while watching the stars before the dawn arrived. As soon as she finished her muffin, she put on her saddlebag full of mail, and started her day. Everything seemed to be normal, until she went back home for her lunch break.
There, at her doorstep, was a package which looked very strange. The packaged was addressed to Ditzy, so she took it inside to inspect it. The package was a black and red box with a lid which sealed the contents of the package. After struggling to get the lid open, Ditzy looked inside, only to see that the box looked very deep, despite being small. While she was looking, a beam shot out of the box, making Ditzy jump back in fear. The beam soon transformed into a vortex which started to suck her inside the box. She tried desperately to resist, but the pull was too much for her and she was sucked inside.
She awoke in a strange cavern, where an old man was standing in front of her. Ditzy then said angrily, "What the hay just happened!?"
The old man simply looked at her and said, "You will find out in due time, Derpy Hooves."
Shocked, Ditzy said, "How do you know about my nickname?"
The old man simply stated, "That is not important, for you have an important task to do."
Ditzy then said, "Yeah! And that's finishing my mail routes before I get in trouble!"
The old man looked at Ditzy and said, "You will not be able to return home just yet, a more important task awaits."
Ditzy, not believing the old man, headed for the exit of the cave, but she only took 5 steps before the old man shouted, "It's dangerous to go alone! Take this!"
When he said those words, a letter opener appeared before Ditzy. It was pretty sharp and when Ditzy picked up the letter opener, she heard a jungle from nowhere.
Not knowing where the sound came from, she headed out towards the exit of the cave.
I hope this isn't too much backstory. I wanted to include the famous, "It's dangerous to go alone, take this!" statement.