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Last posted Mar 28, 2016 at 04:35PM EDT. Added Dec 07, 2011 at 03:12PM EST
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yeah, i know its not related.
also, page get.

Last edited Dec 27, 2011 at 04:11PM EST

Piano wrote:

Being that you live on the other side of the world, I'm surprised that you know what a "China" is.

Well, there's a whole issue there of the characters sharing the map when theoretically, most of you aren't even aware that 2/3 of the rest of the players exist. None of you should know that Fasier exists, nor should they know that any of you exist. Although the extra effort it would require Syndic to put in would be ridiculous, there's a certain level on which it makes sense that you should each get your own map, Fasier's looking like this:


..and for that matter, it would be much more interesting if you were playing on an unknown map with uncharted history, but Syndic is already putting a huge amount of effort on this as it is. (Also, all that structured mystery would make for a much less interesting forum game, because it would have to all be run through private messages.)

[Side note regarding my above post…]

During one of the earlier games, I was discussing via PM with Syndic the fact that real history was of course like that, and sometimes the implications are staggering. In particular, most people don't realize that Christopher Columbus wasn't a visionary who realized unlike everyone else that the earth was round. (Most civilized people accepted a round earth since about 300 B.C.) Christopher Columbus was actually a self-important idiot who thought the earth was much smaller than it was in reality, and mistakenly thought a sailing trip from the Canary Islands to Japan (Cippangu on this map) was feasible with the maritime technology of his day. Running into an unknown continent was a happy accident that historians are in disagreement concerning whether Columbus ever realized had happened, as he certainly continued to claim throughout his life that he had found a route to India.

You know, I was thinking it would be quite interesting if a fictional map was used next round as well as fictional npc nations so that simple researching wouldn't tell people the best places to move or who to attack. A way to keep the base map a secret as well would be by perhaps having players placed randomly, by order, picking lots, etc. That would mean that no one get to see the new map that is always in post 1, and secrecy would be kept. This might be nicer for the GM seeing as no longer could players argue that certain things couldn't happen or that certain nations couldn't do certain things seeing as they would be fictional like the player nations, and it would give much more overall control for the GM as well.
(Just spit balling ideas here though)

Last edited Dec 27, 2011 at 05:26PM EST

I've tried doing games on other maps (long long time ago on another forum) and it generally wasn't as fun. Too foreign, not enough recognizable locations to be fun or comfortable for the players. Also, I think I said somewhere in this thread (and if not, I'll say it now) that this is just a rough mock-up of IRL history based on what quick research can get for me. That, combined with player intervention within the timeline, and things that are entirely ahistorical will occur all over the place.

Syndic wrote:

I've tried doing games on other maps (long long time ago on another forum) and it generally wasn't as fun. Too foreign, not enough recognizable locations to be fun or comfortable for the players. Also, I think I said somewhere in this thread (and if not, I'll say it now) that this is just a rough mock-up of IRL history based on what quick research can get for me. That, combined with player intervention within the timeline, and things that are entirely ahistorical will occur all over the place.

Have you started the turn yet Syndic?

Cale wrote:


I was eating lunch, and chuckling a bit at the video. But when I saw his face at the end, I choked on my sandwich and fell out of my chair. God damn.

Syndic wrote:

Haha. I'm almost done writing it.

Don't be almost done! I'm not ready yet!



Turn sent in. I hope to Xan Kreigor I'm not too late again.

Syndic, feel free to take regular breaks from your writing and slow down a bit. I'm having trouble keeping up :(

Last edited Dec 27, 2011 at 07:02PM EST

Turn 19 [1250 AD – 1350 AD]
Middle Ages





World Events
-The Mongols balkanize their territories and put local lords in charge of ruling the regions as vassal states.
-After a brief civil war, the Mongol empire fully separates and its individual khanates take more liberties in their ruling.
-Gunpowder may now be used by any player nation.

Angmar Imperium (WitchKing)

Govt: Republic
Army: [====|======]
Navy: [====|======]

Tech: [======|====]
-Gunpowder weapons are becoming increasingly popular in the armies as large cannons are fitted onto ships, and bombards are used often against castles and walled towns. Rifled are also making an appearance in some formations, but not many.
-Primitive hand grenades are adopted from the Mongols.
-An attack is made upon Constantinople, sparking a war between Angmar and Byzantium's allies of Bulgaria and the new Serbian kingdom. The city's defenses are badly damaged, but ultimately the Angmaran fleet is turned back without having found a safe landing area for the troops.

Cattonia (MadCat)

Govt: Kingdom
Army: [===|=======]
Navy: [===|=======]

Tech: [=========|=]
-Attempts to hire mercenaries again in Catland and Somabra fails largely due to the fact that these nations have become much more civil and orderly, with no well known mercenary bands roaming the countryside.
-War is declared upon Egypt, and some territory is conquered in Nubia before the Egyptian armies push back with tremendous force, capturing the northern capital.
-The armies continue to unify the barbarians in the south and central regions.
-A compendium of all the plant life in Cattonia is being constructed for the national libraries.
-Mathematicians have become enchanted with the Golden Ratio.

England (FridgeLogic)

Govt: Theocratic Monarchial Republic
Army: [==|========]
Navy: [===|=======]

Tech: [====|======]

Last edited Dec 27, 2011 at 08:04PM EST

Piano wrote:

Arrgghhh…. So curious as to what this turn will look like….

Well, it will have a map of the earth, and there will be colors, each one for a different nation.

Then there will be words. Many of them. Describing the events of the game.

EDIT: Shit.

Last edited Dec 27, 2011 at 08:04PM EST

Espania (QuakerPerez)

Govt: Monarchial Republic
Army: [|==========]
Navy: [=|=========]

Tech: [======|====]
-Attempts to surrender to the Mongols fail as their attacks into Europe by and large halted at the Rhine, and no soldiers of Espania ever fought against them.
-Cannons are rapidly replacing catapults and trebuchets. Gun holks are also becoming standard for the fleet as well.
-As the Teclo armies fight on against Burgundy and Provence, their numbers dwindle, and war exhaustion has caused the kingdom's armies to begin routing and disbanding in droves. As their influence in France wanes, the Burgundians utilize the opportunity to force Espania into a peace arrangement that puts them back behind the Pyrenees. New borders are drawn up with the express goal of containing the Teclo in Iberia.
-Despite having the excommunication of the kingdom lifted, Espania continues to be the pariah of the christian world. Other Christians refuse to trade with the Teclo, and their economic power dwindles as only Iberia is open to them.

Fasier (DarkErmac)

Govt: Kingdom
Army: [==|========]
Navy: [==|========]

Tech: [=====|=====]

Mertola (RocketPropelledPanda)

Govt: Theocratic Republic
Army: [==|========]
Navy: [=|=========]

Tech: [=======|===]
-Trade with Vinland opens up, and the tiny kingdom is offered all of Quebec in exchange for an alliance. They happily agree, and set to work colonizing and conquering the land.
-The republic adopts a bill of rights to assure equality to all people.
-Mining and lumber-jacking professions have a surge in wealth as trade with the Vinns ans the construction of new buildings to support a growing population demands building materials.
-Conquests eastward halt, and the focus is set upon the northwest.
-Attempts to observe miasmas with telescopes fails.
-Riding deer are bred for sturdiness and agility, and some species are beginning to resemble European horses.

Naronius (MisterJ)

Govt: Republic
Army: [===|=======]
Navy: [======|====]

Tech: [======|====]
-An attack is made upon Christchurch, and war breaks out with Magwoli as well when they side with their allies against Naronius.
-Campaigns in Indonesia and Australia have led to a great weakening of the mainland armies, which the Mongols have exploited by invading Vietnam.
-Curry is invented. Quite tasty.
-Gunpowder weapons such as the cannon are making their way into the armies' ranks.

Promethean Caliphate (Vlad)

Govt: Caliphate
Army: [====|======]
Navy: [==|========]

Tech: [==========|]
-The Cattonian invasion in their south has caused the Egyptians to remove all support of the crusaders, and fall back to the well fortified Sinai peninsula. The Knights of Jerusalem, seeing their support falter, quickly retreat to Alexandria as well.
-Prometheus surrenders to the Ilkhanate, and is now a vassal of the Mongol Empire. Cannons are being adopted into the armies.
-The fortifications in Antioch go to waste as the attack on the city is forced to turn back and address the Rossiyan invasion.

Rossiya (RussianFedora)

Govt: Republic
Army: [===|=======]
Navy: [=|=========]

Tech: [=========|=]
-Rossiya becomes a vassal of the Golden Horde. Small portions of the treasury are sent as tribute.
-Gunpowder weapons, especially cannons, are being produced for the armies.
-An invasion of Hospitaller territory leads to the demise of the knightly order and the defense of Antioch.

Sydney-Syserror (BSOD)

Govt: Monarchy
Army: [===|=======]
Navy: [=====|=====]

Tech: [========|==]
-Demands for the senate in Magwoli to step down and bring forth a new royal to fill the leadership fails as the new republic has solidified its control over the nation and refuses to give up power.
-War is declared upon Christchurch, and their allies in Magwoli quickly come to aid them.
-A direct attack on the capital city of Christchurch fails as harbour defenses manage to gun down the Syserror fleet as it lands troops, and the local garrisons slaughter whatever men manage to get ashore. However, a blockade is set up afterwards that slowly begins to strangle the port of its foreign supply routes.
-Attacks by the Magwoli overwhelm the sparsely defended north, and reinforcements landing from Papua manage to stall the Magwoli movement southwards.
-Invasions of Tasmania successfully gain a large portion of the island, but the army of the senate is fighting valiantly to defend the region.
-Due to the war's strain upon the kingdom's navy and the extreme distances of many of the island colonies, most of the further out islanders take on home rule again once contact with the motherland is lost.

Cale wrote:

Well, it will have a map of the earth, and there will be colors, each one for a different nation.

Then there will be words. Many of them. Describing the events of the game.

EDIT: Shit.

I don't know why, but I'm almost happy I was fought off. It would have been boring to just steam roll 'em.





Last edited Dec 27, 2011 at 08:34PM EST

Cale wrote:

I don't know why, but I'm almost happy I was fought off. It would have been boring to just steam roll 'em.





>doesn't know why
>states why

RocketPropelledPanda   wrote:

I'm glad to here that I have a supporter.
edit: Thanks Syndic, I was kind of wondering about that.
edit2: Aren't I supposed to have a green friendship line with Vinland as well?


RocketPropelledPanda   wrote:

I'm glad to here that I have a supporter.
edit: Thanks Syndic, I was kind of wondering about that.
edit2: Aren't I supposed to have a green friendship line with Vinland as well?

Uh yeah, that too. I'm just really… sickly today, I guess. Head and stomach aches all day. I'll fix it next turn don't worry.

RocketPropelledPanda   wrote:

I would help someone, but I currently have one of the shittiest armies in game, and I lack a real navy.

Excellent. In a couple of centuries we will visit you with full armies and navies to… uhm… help you. Yeah.

pug on toast wrote:

I think I need your help now BSOD.

Oh crap! What have we got ourselves into? We really gotta work together on this one.

I could try and send reinforcements from PNG but Magwoli will likely cut me off. I was counting on support form the islanders but they chickened out on me.

This civil war of mine is going to prevent the mainland troops from reaching you. My Sydney division has to try and focus on Magwoli who turned out be tougher than I thought. My Auckland division needs to focus on Christchurch.

I need idea's here. Anyone got any idea's?


Ok, rally as many troops as you can from all your outlying islands

Your forces in Thailand need to focus on holding off the Chinese at the chokepoint between Tai and the ocean. Get your Indian and Malaysian nations to send reinforcements to that area.

Gather forces from the Phillipines, Singapore to secure Indonesia. You CANNOT lose Indonesia, or else we can't support eachother. I'll donate some PNG soldiers to that area too and send them your way

Keep the pressure on Western Australia while I counter Magwoli in the East

Last edited Dec 27, 2011 at 09:27PM EST

madcat wrote:

I think I need your help now Vlad.

I'll try to invade Egypt from the North. With their forces split between two fronts, they should crumble.

Also thanks for the help guys. I also trust that you're going to give that land back RF, as it was part of Prometheus before the KH took it over.

Vlad wrote:

I'll try to invade Egypt from the North. With their forces split between two fronts, they should crumble.

Also thanks for the help guys. I also trust that you're going to give that land back RF, as it was part of Prometheus before the KH took it over.

Uhh…. Do you mind if I keep it? You still have full access to the waterways of Europe, while I was kind of cramped before I gained that land.

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