Здравствуйте! (hello in French, they use a weird alphabet sometimes along with their flag sometimes being sideways) D I C K S Q U A D,
The time has arrived. Gone are the days browsing dank memes and trying to flirt with grils over the internet. Such things are now irrelevant. It's time I moved on to greater things. I will soon sell all of my computers, game consoles and electronics that aren't my phone. I plan to use these funds to move to the magical land known as reads smudged ink on hand Earop to where my lack of electronics will be far more accepted along with my great American attitude. I plan to reside in Paris, the most socially liberal and accepting place in the world. There I think my great attitude, lack of knowledge of the French language or history will be best served by the loving, accepting people there for me to learn from. Only there do I believe, will I find happiness and acceptance. Wish me luck and god speed memers. I hope you will all follow me to this great land some day.
Auf Wiedersehen (french for goodbye),