1) You frequent KYM.
2) You made a KYM version of each meme.
3) You only befriend people who contributed a lot.
4) KYM is in your bookmark
5) You say "+1 work" and something similar in this thread
6) You actually went to one of KYM's event
7) You chat at #knowyourmeme almost everyday
9) The only deadpool meme you actually like are "Hai guise I'm using KYM" and "Camoawam"
10) You actually know what "Camoawam" means
11) You pronounce meme as "meem"
12) When a person IRL starts "So I saw this meme in 4chan…" You reply "where are the derivatives?"
13) You rage when people force memes… IN KYM
14) You know how to triforce
15) T rolling in your wall is common
16) H a! Ha! You're using the internet
17) E very japanese dance memes, you can dance too…
18) G ET memes are not memes
19) A MV's aren't memes
20) M AD's are just YTP with music
21) E ach KYM member's real name are stored in your Internet stalking database
22) You just shat brix and you lost it…
23) You know whether anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like
24) You know who was phone
25) You raged at ED's entry of KYM and how they "use newf*** for their profit"
26) You went to ED to troll them
27) You can't reach every part of your teeth
28) You actually tried reaching every part of your teeth
29) You are laughing/raging (ffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…) right now
30) You know the oldest IRL meme
31) You copypasta-ed all possible copypasta… in your mind
32) You made a farewell thread even though you'll go back eventually
33) You rage when you get a minus one in your status
34) Whenever you rage never finish what you swore (FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU)
35) You somehow have interest in candlejack…
36) You know Pedobear and his friends
37) You didn't notice there's no #8
38) You just noticed that by now…
39) Read #29. I'm lazy retyping that
40) You wonder how awesome this link is
41) You LOL-ed at the above link coz that's a trap; here's the real link
42) You scored 1M in Robot Unicorn Attack
43) You memorized the whole lyriHARMONY HARMONY OH LOVE~!
44) You memorized 4chan from [a/ to /x]
45) You sided with either ninjas or pirates
46) You know Approval guy's real name
47) You stalk Jamie Dubs
48) You say the list thing is lame and make your own list
49) When you say Jack Candle's name two times you are bound to be kidna~ALL GLORY TO HYPNO~HNNNNNNNNNNNNG
50) You a~