Ok, one person says a wish, and the other one corrupts it.
Example: "I wish Half-Life 2 Episode 3 was out"
"Ok, but the game starts with you endlessly getting shot by a swarm of Combines."
I wish I had 3 terabytes of RAM.
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Oct 14, 2010 at 02:06PM EDT.
Jun 24, 2010 at 05:56PM EDT
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103 users
Ok, one person says a wish, and the other one corrupts it.
Example: "I wish Half-Life 2 Episode 3 was out"
"Ok, but the game starts with you endlessly getting shot by a swarm of Combines."
I wish I had 3 terabytes of RAM.
Ok, but your hard drive is wiped in the process.
I wish for Portal 2 to come out.
Ok, but It'll come out in arcades only.
I wish Nintendo would make a new Pikmin game.
Ok, but it's a dating sim.
I wish for $9001.
Ok, but the main currency in America is now Coconuts.
I wish for a vibraphone.
Ok, but it has a bomb attached to it.
I wish Kinect didn't suck.
That's impossible.
I wish they would re-release Medal of Honor Frontline with new Graphics.
Ok, but the graphics are 4-bit.
I wish that Nintendo would announce a 4DS.
Ok, but it crashes every 2 seconds.
I wish for a new house.
OK, but it gets destroyed by Dr. Hax.
I wish for cake.
But it's infested with radioactive termites.
I wish Mima would return in Touhou.
Granted, but she is rule 63'd.
I wish for a time machine.
Ok, but she's just a cameo character.
I wish that Team fortress 3 was out.
Granted, but it is a hentai game.
I wish for world peace.
Okay, but then there are no more War Games.
I wish I was good at the FPS Genre.
Ok, but nobody buys you.
I wish that there was a season 3 of Rozen Maiden.
There is, but 4kids is in charge.
I wish for an awesome business suit.
Ok, but you can't wear pants or underwear with it.
I wish that CD-i had good games.
Okay, but the cutscenes have even worse voice acting.
I wish I had an Airplane.
Ok, but by awesome I totally mean gay.
I wish for Awesometown to be a regular series
Ok, but it'll be in German.
I wish I had a cat.
Ok, but it looks like a rabbit.
I wish that Google would make computers.
Okay, but they're Macs.
I wish my computer could run Empire: Total War.
Ok, but it's actually a copy of Civilization 1.
I wish that in Civ 4 that my gunships couldn't be killed by knights on horses.
Okay. But now they're vunerable to Spearmen.
I wish Civ 5 was out now.
Ok, but you don't have military.
I wish that Fire Emblem 11 was a decent remake.
Okay. But it's now an Advance Wars spin-off.
I wish Alex Cochran had good grammar.
Ok, but now he spells even worse.
I wish that Justin Bieber falls on his ass on television. Off a cliff.
there is a mattress at the bottom
I wish pokemon black and white would come out today
Okay. But it's now illegal to hate Twilight.
I wish that I was more adventurous.
Ok, but it gets you killed.
I wish that Chewie doesn't get killed in the Star Wars novels.
Okay, but now Han Solo dies.
I wish that Mokou would appear as a playable character in Touhou.
Ok, but THE GAME gets cancelled.
I wish that Touhou had better graphics.
Okay, but Touhou is now an RPG.
I wish I was funnier.
Ok, but it's because you're a martyr.
I wish that Pink Floyd would make more music.
Okay. But Pink Floyd is now teh suck.
I wish Rap wasn't popular and more people listened to classical music.
Ok, but now classical music is rap.
I wish that Chromium Dev would retain full functionality.
Okay, but now it costs 599 US Dollars.
I wish I could get a newer computer.
Ok, but it comes with 1 bit of RAM.
I wish that Tenshi's wish had a Wish in it for me to ruin.
Ok, but you can't read it.
I wish that this text was in red.
Okay, but now you're colorbind and it appears to be black.
I wish I had a Shuvel.
Ok, but it does 1 damage.
I wish that the Pyro was un-nerfed.
Okay, but now the Pyro is a one hitpoint wonder.
I wish I could speak more than one language.
Congrats you learned english!
I wish I could fly
Okay, but now the entire Earth is a no-fly zone.
I wish I owned a Vuvuzela so I could annoy people.
Ok, but everyone is trying to kill you.
I wish that my router was perfect.
Granted, but your Vuvuzela gets you beaten and killed.
I wish that I didn't have to do anything to get a Klondike bar.
Okay, but now there are no Klondike Bars.
I wish I had a Million Dollars.
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