Too bad nigger
I wish for a cakefarts sequel and meme entry.
320,842 total conversations in 9,947 threads
Last posted
Oct 14, 2010 at 02:06PM EDT.
Jun 24, 2010 at 05:56PM EDT
1062 posts
103 users
Too bad nigger
I wish for a cakefarts sequel and meme entry.
Too bad that it's taken off the web immediately after release. Meme is deadpooled because of lack of derivation.
I wish for a fully functioning KITT that works just like in Knight Rider.
Ok, but it breaks after a second.
I wish that Touhou 12.8 would just release itself already.
ok but its 2bit
i wish i could fly
You get shot down.
I wish little girls were more submissive.
Yes but they trick you and turn into She Hulks
I wish I could cutt off my own head and juggle it with mellons while remaining alive for 2 hours.
Ok, but you're now a zombie.
I wish I knew where to get Touhou.
(serious question here)
I wish I knew what that was
I wish anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
I wish I knew what a potato was.
Repeat of Travis: I wish anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like :/
i wish i would get that?
i wish this didnt happen
Ok but ff7 didnt exist.
I wish I could marry a furrie that was like a person.
Well, he's furry
I wish i could have a crowbar.
Ok but its made out of cheetos.
I wish I had a hot anime babe in my room
Keep Trying
Is this real life?
You will never get an answer.
I wish I had moar desu.
Ok but you turn american.
I wish I could fire mah lazer at anytime
But your power level would be quite less than 9000.
I wish could everyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Ok but your head asplode.
I wish I was a sayian here on earth!
Okay, but been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like.
I wish you would have a seat over there.
The seat is a loli
I wish I had a loli seat.
Ok but your arrested for being a pedo.
I wish I could turn super sayian!
Okay, but your Super Saiyan form is still no match for the real Chuck Norris, who is enraged by your heresy.
I wish I had legions of Pikmin.
Ok but they all drown.
I wish I was weegee
But you looked in a mirror and the universe divided by zero.
I wish I had a permanent smile.
Ok but you get such pains you cummit suicide.
I wish I could be a permant character in dbz
They were all Blue Pikmin, so there.
Okay, except since you have already identified yourself as Chuck Norris, you are caught in a paradox and your head explodes.
I wish I had enough pylons.
Ok but the zerg rush and kill you.
I wish 4kids didnt exist
It doesnt but its changed to 4Nigs and resembles BET
I wish I wouldnt have killed my sister and that hooker over a Donkey Kong cartridge.
Ok, but now your sister is a lesbian and is married to the hooker.
I wish my headphones worked.
Ok but they are distorted and blow the ass off of ur ears.
I wish I could do moar liek.
Ok but everyone else hates you.
I wish I had a life
You get Monopoly…
I wish that females found me attractive…
Only female walruses find you attractive now. Go nuts.
I wish my computer wasn't so old.
It becomes older…
I wish that Macs asploded…
too bad
i wish justin beiber would get hit
Ok but fangirls kill you.
I wish I had the gregory horror show dvd
Ok but it comes with a used condom in the packaging
I wish I could capture rainbow power and put them into "PRUNE JUICE!!!!!!!!!!!" flavored cheeztitz.
Ok but ******* magnets kill you.
I wish I was a slave that was on fire and had no eyeballs
Ok but your mine
I wish mor liek
Ok but chuck norris kills you.
I wish I was in silent hill
Okay, but that would already suck.
I wish the neighbor's dog would shut up.
Ok but it eats you
I wish I was still in silent hill
Ok, but now it's a perfectly normal city.
I wish I wasn't so pathethic.
Ok but now ur an overachiever and every1 hates ur ass
I wish my spit was acidic.
Okay, but your mouth is still a normal human mouth so your face dissolves from the saliva glands down.
I wish I had telekinetic powers.
Ok, but when you get confused you have an anurism.
I wish I had metal teeth and hydrolic jaws.
Alright, but you look like this:
I wish I didnt have to read books I dont want to, but have to, for school.
Okay, but it's because you are hit in the head and sustain significant brain damage, thus exempting you from normal schoolwork.
I wish I had something better to do than hang out on internet forums.
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