Okay, but I get the Pagebreak for the third time in a row.
I wish Mima had more respect as a Touhou Character.
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Last posted
Oct 14, 2010 at 02:06PM EDT.
Jun 24, 2010 at 05:56PM EDT
1062 posts
103 users
Okay, but I get the Pagebreak for the third time in a row.
I wish Mima had more respect as a Touhou Character.
Granted, but less people know about touhou.
I wish that tacos were even more delicious.
v(worth it)
You jizz yourself every-time you eat them…
I wish I my iPod was a robot!
It is now a terminator.
I wish, I wish I was a fish.
Okay, but you die in the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill.
I wish I had a Tank.
Okay,but you have no idea how to operate a tank.
I wish i was a fish who could breath both water and oil.
Okay, but now you're a fish out of water.
I wish I knew how to operate a Tank.
Okay, but now you don't have a tank.
I wish that: The next sentence were true. And that the last sentence was false.
Okay. Enjoy your paradox.
I wish my wish would get corrupted.
Okay, you can also enjoy your Paradox.
I wish that my wish won't get corrupted.
Okay, but I'm making Rule 34 of your wish right now.
but now you dont get a wish
i wish i wasnt doing this on my dsi
But you are doing it on your nds lite.
I wish i could play Fallout 3
Your Town gets nuked and goes into Fallout…
I wish it was 1983…
ok but you must return to 2010 after that one year and you cant bear how shit the world you live in has become
i wish games like banjo-tootie and crash bandicoot were still being made
They are still being made, but only in japan.
I wish I could sleep
You sleep for twenty years…
I wish my last name was Freeman…
ok but now you are god and have unstoppable mind reading that makes you go crazy
i wish i was in an anime world
Ok, but it's drawn by a 7th grade manga freak.
I wish that Green Day would go back to making good music.
ok but all there songs are about dancing
i wish stevie wonder would make a new album
It is all covers of Jonas Brudders songs…
I wish Freddie Mercury was still alive!
Okay, but now you aren't.
I wish I had a Tank and knew how to operate it.
Okay. (Batteries not included)
Okay, but now you need to go to a Hospital.
I wish I could see in 3D without having to wear 3D glasses.
ok but you can only watch woody allen movies
i wish i still had my childhood innocence
Okay, but then you go back to /b/ and lose it again.
I wish I could learn how to play the Violin.
Okay, but you have no limbs.
I wish I knew whats for dinner.
ok but what ever it is hurry up eating it,your ship sails in the morning
i wish i could know your memes
Okay, but now you can't know anything else.
I wish people would submit less junk memes to this site.
Okay, but now they just submit junk.
I wishsiw I
Ok but nowon tub kO
i wish for 1000 more wishes
Okay, but they all get corrupted.
I wish that people would do more research on Memes before they submitted them.
They do but their entry still sucks.
I wish I had something to do.
Okay, do me.
I wish I wasn't grounded.
Okay, but now you have to google 2204355.
I wish for Cake.
Ok,but you can't have it in the next game.
I wish I was a fish who can breath air,oil AND water.
Okay, but you're now on fire.
I wish I had a Tank, knew how to operate it, had ammo for it, and had enough oil to drive it coast to coast.
Okay,but it is made out of the lie-cake.
I wish I was a fire proof fish,capable of breathing anything safely.
Okay, but you accidentally swim into a pond of Hydrochloric Acid.
I wish I had a Tank, knew how to operate it, had ammo for it, had enough oil to drive it coast to coast, and it was made out of Metal.
Ok but it is this kind of tank.
I wish I could remember how to eat again.
ok but thats all you do
i wish the cake wasent a lie
ok but now it's a spy.
I wish for the birds.
Okay, but they aren't singing.
I wish I could be as cool as Serious Cat.
Ok, but you get frozen as well.
I wish that Aksys would translate Cave danmakus faster.
Okay, but now nobody bothers to translate Touhou.
I wish I could make it through Touhou without using any continues.
Ok but when you beat it you get a ending as disappointing as this
I wish the princess would stop getting kidnapped
Ok,but now Bowser is.
I wish I was a fish that could not be harmed in any way,shape or form.
Ok but the fish lives FOREVER and it wants to die but it can't.
I wish for doubles.
Okay, but you get triples.
I wish I had a Snowspeeder.
ok but its made of snow
i wish i could beat kuja in final fantasy IX
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