Hey post something useful.
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A Useful Thread
Last posted
Sep 23, 2010 at 04:10PM EDT.
Aug 24, 2010 at 03:38PM EDT
39 posts
24 users
Here's something useful.
When you have an ice cream head ache, put your tongue on the roof of your mouth…
If you press the + button near my username a magical number will appear.
Sweatie Killer
Damn I missed.
Useful Island
Although it's not really as useful as its name implies.
In MSPaint, holding Ctrl and pushing + makes the brush bigger.
@Skitzowe, holy hell another Eddie Murphey Fan!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not very usefull, but I suggest watching delirious to complete your life.
Need more desu.
1. If you don't have any information on a meme, don't make a submission about it. You're wasting your time.
2. If you don't know something, ask someone.
3. To paste an image, paste the image's URL and add exclamation points at the beginning and end of it. Like so: (!) image-url (!) (Remove parentheses and spaces)
4. To paste a video, copy and paste the embed code.
Hope that was helpful.
As inspired by buterrin yobread's useful post.
Another of the "first" series.
I tried to get a fairly large one,too big,maybe.
1. When you're given a cocktail napkin or coaster with an exessively wet drink (condensation), sprinkle salt on it. It will cease to lift up with your drink.
2. Get hold of an army ration pack and keep it in your house/car. Especially useful in cold climates.
3. If you need to leave your car in an area where you think it might get stolen, remove some small but vital part like the fuse for the fuel pump.
4. Even though you may be nervous about talking to random people, the worst you can get is "go away".
5. Open a bank account and put a hundred dollars in it. Then put the atm card in a box somewhere. Having a hundred dollars that no one knows about could save your life.
6. You can throw clothes in the dryer for about 5 minutes to get the wrinkles out.
7. Put smelly shoes in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer overnight. The smell is caused by bacteria, which will die when deep frozen.
8. Use lighter fluid to remove sticky stuff from price labels etc.
9. A couple of grains of rice in a salt shaker will absorb moisture and keep the salt from turning into a miniature brick.
10. Sharpen scissors by using them a few times on a piece of sand paper.
11. If there's something you really need to remember the next day, put a wierd object in a wierd place. It helps to remember anything by triggering your memory.
(taken off a lifehacks pic)
btw, how can i upload pics from my computer onto threads? or can I only use URLs?
1. If you stick a cat in the microwave it will explode.
Hope I helped.
If your computer lags, there is a simple way to fix it. First, go to the C drive, open the windows folder, and delete a folder named SYSTEM32.
@Stanley I'm pretty sure you can only post from URLs. But, you can upload whatever image (as long as its not porn) to Know Your Meme. Just go to Images, click Add Image, choose which image you want to upload, don't select anything in the "Which meme does this belong to?" section, and upload it. KYM will give your image its own URL that you can use to post on forums. Yay.
(Taken from my year-end lesson recap from last year)
1) Regardless how depressing or horrifying a situation may be, there are three words that always make things better or worse: "Cool Story, Bro."
2) Never argue with idiots; they will drag you down to their level and beat you with their experience.
3) According to an expert in California, it is NOT a tumor.
4) You live, you laugh, and you learn, except when people play with fire. Then the three actions are magnified times five.
5) They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Why can't I beat that stupid arm-wrestling robot, then?
This thread is now about lifehacks.
alright, while in an elevator,
1. hold your floor button and the door shut button at the same time.
2. dont let go until your at your floor.
this works for all elevators.
this is used by police to catch up to suspects who are high up.
"Ribbed for her pleasure"? Turn it inside out.
ah thanks SSBMMaster :) and here's a useful pic on all you time travellers out there.
^going strait into my time machine when I actually make it.
useful judo moves:
Guaranteed to make you feel small (:
thanks stanley,number 11 helped me today
sorry for double posting
whats the forumla for calculating the radius of a sphere?