alright, this thread is to discuss your most recent dream.
alright,for anyone who actually finishes reading about my dream i will give you 9001 internetz.
okay, i was naked and it looked like i was about to take a shower when my sisters hot friend came in completely naked too. now i thought, "cool, i'm having a wet dream," so i told her "want to suck my dick?" but then she said no and ran out. now what sucks about this is that this was going to be my first wet dream but my subconscious didn't even allow the wet dream to commence. :(. alright, then i got dressed and and realized my phone was nowhere in sight so i asked my sister where it was and she said that she didn't know but i got a package in the mail. so i opened it to read a note card that said that my phone was at a hospital. i also got a phone tracker. so i tracked it to the closest hospital and i found my phone where the electric area is. you know, the place that powers the hospital. anyway, i found my phone and it was attached to some kind of device but i didn't really care about that at the moment so i just took my phone but as soon as i did the machine made a ticking noise so i got out of their as quick as possible. when i got to the front of the hospital, there was news vans and reporters talking about terrorists threatening to blow up this hospital. then i realized that i set the bomb. i freaked, i ran away from the hospital as fast as i could until i was at a park. then i looked back and saw a big fiery explosion. i woke up, my mom told me to wash up and eat dinner. then i took a shower, and now i'm telling you about my dreams.
tl;dr i had a wet dream but it was a false alarm so then a hospital blew up.