20th post decides my journal entry on both FA and dA. Ready, set, go!
Forums / Fun! / Just For Fun
320,842 total conversations in 9,947 threads
KYM, I need your help.
Last posted
Oct 16, 2010 at 09:31AM EDT.
Oct 16, 2010 at 12:41AM EDT
31 posts
13 users
oh, boy, here we gOOooo…
Wait, what is this about?
we just post till there's 19 posts, then everyone scrambles to write something stupid/embarassing/rude/all of the above.
Furries, always a good topic.
Why furries?
couldn't we all
Just post something till
we hit number 20
that wouldn't
be any
fun remember?
Blah blah blah imma scalie! dealwithit.gif
Got the idea from Alice
Am I 16th?
Briliant! You want to post sum wurds?
Words you say?
(Oh and if you want these long posts deleted please say so)
Peace Walker Battle 2
Bring a rocket launcher, or even two, to this battle.
At the start of this battle you have one minute to damage the AI pod. If you do enough damage within that one minute it, you will interrupt the launch sequence. If you don't interrupt the launch sequence, you will lose the battle.
The Peace Walker now has a drill that burrows underground and puts bombs directly under your feet. Like most of the Peace Walker's weapons, you can avoid this one by staying on the move. It has a freeze beam, but it only works at close range. Because it has so many close range weapons you will want to stay at long range anyway or get close enough to the AI pod while the attack occurs and your damage will amplify. It also has a Leg Charge attack that will need to be avoided by getting in a corner or one of the three gaps on the walkway. Finally it a has a missile defense system. When the orange sphere at the top of the creature is glowing all your missiles will miss. Wait for it to turn off before shooting or you can use your machine gun to shoot off the orange sphere and stun it for a few seconds.
Your strategy for damaging the Peace Walker is the same as before: hit it with lots of rockets. Aim for the AI pod.
When you've done enough damage you will see a scene, then get to pull boards out of the main pod. None of the boards have icons, so just pull out as many as you can. After pulling out all the boards, you will see an interactive scene.
Peace Walker Battle 3
This mission is more of a shooting challenge than anything. The Peace Walker can't move. Hit it with rockets (bring multiple rocket launchers) and even artillery strikes. Use grenades and whatever else you have.
After you destroy Peace Walker, you will see a scene. The game's credits will roll. But the game isn't over yet. There is still one more chapter to go. At this time, Amanda will have made a full recovery and you no longer have to worry about sending her back to Sickbay.
Metal Gear Zeke Battle
Half the battle of this mission is unlocking it. To unlock it you must:
Have in Intel Team level 40 or higher.
Have two upgraded Mother Base plants.
Have a fully operational Metal Gear Zeke, including the rail gun.
Complete Zadornov Search Mission 6, and then do at least three more missions.
Once you have done all that, you will get a call from Kaz telling you Zadornov has escaped again. Starting this mission isn't straightforward either. You must start 001 Target Practice: No Limit. Once there you must go to the second floor and find Zadornov. A cutscene will run and then will conclude to the next mission. Select it, prepare, and start the mission. You may need missile launchers and rations. Supply drops are done for you, just go to the panel and press the action button.
You will now have to face off against Metal Gear Zeke. There are four panels on the edge of the map. Run up to one of them and use it to call in a support strike. You can also use rocket launchers to attack it. There are also panels on the deck that can be used as cover. Keep using an attack plan and keep enough ammo and rations in case you need them.
Once you defeat Zeke you will see the final ending of the game.
You have now (Really!) finished Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker.
I got the 20th post, xXxDarkRose666xXx. Great game strategy, though.
LOL thanks I was bored. And congrats (^_^)
This is quite possibly the worst thread of 2010.
@Butterin Is this true???
@Mellow Why are you so disappointing??? xD
20th post reached.
Thread sucks.
And, I'm almost certain no one cares.