So I went to the park this morning and I saw this fat guy and his emo gf kissing for about half an hour.
They just stood there sitting on the car kissing I mean seriously get a frikking room.
Then they smoked for 10 minutes and started kissing again then about an hour later they finally left.
If I had a gun they would not be alive.
Forums / Fun! / Just For Fun
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I hate people.
Last posted
Nov 20, 2010 at 09:39PM EST.
Oct 25, 2010 at 11:57AM EDT
18 posts
9 users
No, YOU wouldn't be alive. You'd probably An Hero.
But I find love sweet, unlike you, ya cynical bastard.
Im ok if there in love but seriously get a room they just spent 2 hours at the park kissing.
Don't look. Or better yet, leave.
haters gonna hate
so you would be ok if this
was kissing this
You were watching a fat guy kiss his emo girlfriend for an hour and a half?
Sounds like you love people.
Sounds like you should do some people and get it over and done with. Maybe the fat guy and his emo girl will let you join in?
Mmmm – tastes like menthol.
Picture unrelated.
Yes. Love is sweet, and it's horrible when you diss love. :(
As many of you like to quote:
If you disliked them kissing, why did you stay and watch them make out for 90 minutes?
Well my mom was there and they were touching each other innaproapitly.
And I couldnt go I walk every morning then play some basketball.
So your mother likes fat guys eh?
I ment that my mom was walking with me lol.
So you play basketball with your mom? Could you describe how she handles the balls?
She is terrible at playing basketball.
Sweatie Killer
Cause it's hard not to look at a fat guy kissing his emo girl when you're in a park with them.
For 90 minutes.
Plus 10 minute cigarette break.
Plus they're touching innappropriately.