Okay, serious moment to diffuse a possible difficult situation before it goes much farther…
I just wanted to say that while I rather enjoyed the whole "Let's all be smugleaf" thing, I really had no intention when I chose this new username to start a "Let's all be angrypwnser" thing. Yet, I see that there are now a handful of variations on this name.
Anyway, I just wanted to say that while angrypwnser has, at times, been a jerk and/or a n00b, we all fall prey to jerkiness or n00bishness at one time or another, and I hope that we don't fall into the trap of thinking that that makes it okay to gang up on him and make him feel like crap. I didn't intend this username to be an attack on him, and if he takes it (or the shitshorm that seems to be potentially rising from it) that way, I apologize in advance.
Okay, seriousness over. Back to your trolling people. Peace.