Here are the top 15 things that are overdue for an entry on KYM
#15. Chills
Chills has definitely gained notoriety throughout the years being the main narrator for the Top 15 video series, as well as being the originator of the famous Burger King Foot Lettuce meme. On top of that, he has also been trying to get into a rap career, pushing a couple of singles every so often, and being a subject of ridicule for Oneyplays, even doing an intro for Psychicpepple's Schmucks podcast, where he delivered another meme worthy phrase "Honestly, if I saw that thing in my living room, i'd stomp on it until it was a small brown stain". It's honestly kind off shocking that he has gotten an entry sooner.
#14-1. They don't matter, because Chills erased all contenders.