Just watched the latest episode, here's my first impressions…
+ Wow, episode 202 kicked episode 102's ASS!
+ Didn't seem as rushed in the beginning as the previous episode.
+ All the bizarro versions of the mane 6 where hilarious, except Pinkie seemed kind of bland for some reason. Maybe that was intentional, since she's usually the funniest.
+ Twilight really put on her game face in terms of comedy this episode too, when she gave Spike RDs element and said "Here, you're then new Rainbow Dash" I literally had to pause the video I was laughing so hard.
+ The true locations of the Elements could have used a better explanation, although you could argue that Discord put them there himself specifically so she would find them.
+ Discord seemed less intense in this episode, I attribute it to the fact that he's pretty much already won and he's just basking in the lulz.
+ There where a LOT of great visual jokes in this episode, really subtle stuff too. Like how Discord's glass fills upside down and he drinks the glass instead of the milk… then the milk explodes, not quite as subtle, but still hilarious.
+ The scene with Rainbow was comedy gold, and most of the characters weren't even "discorded". That gives me some really high hopes for the rest of season 2.
+ It'll probably make more sense when I watch it again, but the way Twilight saved the day seemed kind of pulled out of nowhere. But I'll let it slide since they where on a time frame.
+ Whatever the hell Big Mac was doing, it was amazing.
+ Aww, bye-bye Discord. But it should be noted he escaped from the exact same imprisonment method by three fillies (who didn't make a reappearance, that's kind of odd) bickering. I'm guessing Celestia's gunna find a safer place to put him then in her back yard this time.
+ OMG! They reenacted the ending from the first Star Wars! Complete with iris wipe! That's BAD ASS!
+ I know this probably pisses alot of people off, but I'm gunna say it anyway. NO LUNA! MUAHAHAHA! Honestly though, if we see Luna again I hope it's in a way that'll actually build her as a character, just a random appearance wouldn't have made her any better.
Or they could just pull a "season one" and forget about her existence again… I'd be fine with that. >:3