Somehow (mostly accidentally) I've become comfortable enough to engage with this community more than on just a surface level. Honestly, that hasn't happened in a while, and since I tend to pick up on social mechanics on a conscious level and much prefer not to be seen as annoying, ignorant, etc. for things I did not know would have such a consequence, I could use some advice.
First up, my (presumably) massive walls of text. Am I writing just a little too much or waaaay too much? And how do I cut down on my word count? My first issue comes from my "wandering mind" sort of thing. I start off trying to "write my way" straight from point A to point Z, but then points B, D, and P seem relevant and perhaps necessary as context. Honestly, I'm a horrible judge at what to leave out and what keep in, so I tend to err on too much over too little. The other comes from a desire to be clear. I don't really know when what I've written is enough so that any further context will just be redundant, so I tend to err on the side of trying too hard. So I often point out when I'm uncertain, or what statements I'm not making (or tacking on additional info like this). Are there any questions I can ask myself while I'm writing or evaluations I can use to figure out when to add or leave stuff out?
Secondly, since it seems like I finally have a venue to communicate to others, I'm having trouble knowing how often using it would be appropriate. For example, as I write this, due to another new topic by me and a reply to another topic, I'm the most recently active in the top two threads in the discussion session, and if nobody posts before me, then this will be the third. I'm worried that might seem excessive, but I don't know. Does it annoy people if you reply or create past a certain number of threads, even if you are posting serious thoughts in each one, and not double-posting?
Third, is it rude to keep referring to things? There's no shortage of "gay stuff" and "Homestuck stuff" (and the occasional "Let's Play" stuff) in my comments and threads, but I'm not trying to "force" them into every situation I come across. At the same time, if the connection seems a bit tenuous. I don't shy from it either. (For example, I wrote in the comments for "There She Is!!" about how I first came across this when I was first seriously struggling with my sexual orientation, and I noticed a bit of a parallel. whether or not it actually existed only in my mind.) If anyone's familiar with my comments and threads, do I seem too obsessive, or does it seem like while these things may be a significant part of my life, I'm not really forcing them into other people's faces.
I'll wrap up here with a quick-fire blitz of less important questions. "Is responding to old threads seen as annoying, even if they are really big ones, like when I replied to the KYM Homestuck general thread?" "Can I practice textile stuff in my own user page?" "If I have more questions like this in the future, would this be okay, or should I have done something else?"
Thanks for any and all input! Sorry for the bother, but, hey, at least it will help me be less annoying. I've tried to learn all I can from lurking, but I think this is a good logical next step.