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image sections "most liked", "most favorited"

Last posted Dec 20, 2012 at 08:40AM EST. Added Dec 19, 2012 at 01:08PM EST
14 posts from 8 users

So here's a problem.

as a typical member or visitor of KYM you want to be shown the best images that KYM has to offer right? the best instances of memes and and captions that most people like without a doubt

When I click on "images" and then "most liked" or "most favorited"

I was expecting to see the funniest bad luck brian caption
I was expecting to see the funniest successful black guy caption
I was expecting to see the cutest cat picture in the world
I was expecting to see the most messed up picture that involves the "wat" or "dafuq" meme
I was expecting to see the coolest alternate universe art drawing that someone did
I was expecting to see the most badass gif someone's ever made
I was expecting random shit

but click on "most liked" or "most favorited", what do you get? ALMOST ABSOLUTELY NONE OF THE ABOVE

what if you scroll down for a few pages so more will load? MAYBE 1% of what I'm looking for will appear, but WHY ALL THAT SIFTING WORK?

I'm no anti-brony at all
but the fact is this site is full of bronies that can't help UPVOTING every uploaded picture that relates to their fandom, DROWNING OUT the shit that everyone else wants to see (or so I think)

and this makes me butthurt, is anyone else feeling this same frustration I'm having? am I wrong for feeling this way? please do tell

can we have that "don't show pony related images" button that someone suggested? as soon as possible? i don't see this button causing any harm, ever

It's true, when you go there, it's all brony/pony.

This has been discussed before and the obvious reason is because there's a mass amount of bronies on this site.

But yes, your suggestion is pretty good: The most liked and most favourited put in sections.

🅱ank 🅱ill wrote:


did you seriously think I just came in here and blabbed on about shit without thinking it through?

You made some of those threads in the past. So most likely yes. The high amount of rage and butthurt in the OP isn't really helping either.

can we have that “don’t show pony related images” button that someone suggested? as soon as possible? i don’t see this button causing any harm, ever

It was already there, so opspe's claim of you doing no research is pretty much correct.

Last edited Dec 19, 2012 at 02:57PM EST

>It was already there, so opspe’s claim of you doing no research is pretty much correct.


I realize there's this stigma about the suggestions/complaints I make, and are typically treated with great cynicism and contempt

but you know, just to try and attempt to get rid of that stigma, I will change my statement to:

"the "show fewer ponies" button is missing in the rest of the tabs besides the "ALL" tab
will someone pretty pretty please change it?"

If you click on the 'Images' button on the navigation bar, that will certainly be an option. However if you click on anything else in the drop-down menu, it doesn't appear, as Kim Jong has explicitly stated up there.

Perhaps this is a problem? Or are we not using Chrome, so the site's coding isn't running at optimum?

Here, 'IMAGES' button:

Most Liked tab/all others:

RandomMan showed that this problem is rectified by clicking on the 'images' tab and clicking on the filters, rather than changing tabs.

Last edited Dec 19, 2012 at 03:37PM EST

It looks like that's an actual problem. And I don't really like the tone of some of the users in response to what was a legitimate claim and dismissing it so easily. Snark doesn't really make for a welcoming and friendly atmosphere regardless of the frustration with the reputation of OP (I recognize that I am at fault of it myself, but it doesn't make it OK.)
As for people actually using that sorting option, if we're not expecting people to use it…then it seems, in hindsight, that it was a waste of time in creating it. I would say that if it is available, then people are actually using it. At face value, it is very easy to get to that option (i.e., hover over the "Images" tab, and go to any of the options.) So I think it can be expected that this option is used a lot.

And the active brony community is actually skewing what people can see in those easily accessed and easily found options. That was the reason for implementing the button, so it follows that the button should be implemented for those pages (i.e., past 24 hours) as well.
I think the simple action is to implement the same button for these sorting options. If the code is the same, then would it be simple to transfer it to those other pages as well?

EDIT: Ninja'd, but I guess he's going to try to find time to sort that out. We appreciate the help, James.

Last edited Dec 19, 2012 at 03:45PM EST

Verbose, people are far more likely (especially experienced moderators) to be dismissive about people's legit complaints if they are typed in a rage-like manner. But I'm sure you already knew that.

Thank you James, it's bugged me a little but not a lot, but I see that the OP is fuming…

@ quantum

pretty much,

seriously I KNOW I could've stated all this in a much formal matter WITHOUT involving my personal emotions and an exaggerated backstory of how a website problem affects me

but since I did it regardless, and no one's been hurt, oh well

problems addressed………….by James, Verbose, and Quantum

requesting lock

James wrote:

He's probably talking about the most ____ that are based on recent data instead of all time.

I didn't even think anyone looked at those pages.

I usually look at those pages…there are other galleries like "reaction faces" and "alternate universe" that get a ton of images each day, but not as much as the MLP gallery. I would like to see which ones are recently most popular. The screenshots provided regarding the "fewer ponies" button is for all images of all-time…not for those in the last 24 hours. And when I check every day, I usually check the liked, favorites. and comment tabs to see the more popular pictures.

Well since OP requested lock and the issue has been addressed, locking.
It would have been nice if we could have maybe had a more sophisticated discussion on this?
And the last post in this thread, as it should be, is thank you James for solving all of our problems yet again.


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