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Can't see some of the entries certain users created.

Last posted Feb 18, 2014 at 08:14PM EST. Added Feb 18, 2014 at 01:55PM EST
3 posts from 3 users

What I mean by this is that whenever I go to a user's profile and look under the user's editorships, the entries that are either deadpooled or hidden aren't visible. This would make it rather confusing especially if the user's stats mention that he or she has editorships but none are seen under the editorship tab. Why has this been done now?

James wrote:

Seeing hidden entries in the first place was a bug and Brad requested that deadpooled entries be removed from the entry editorships pages.

A quality fix, because I couldn't give two shits about everything I deadpooled or hid over time.

But in a related bug, the random entry button on top of the page doesn't filter Deadpooled entries, which due to the high quantity of those can get people annoyed.


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