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Last posted Feb 18, 2015 at 10:32PM EST. Added Feb 18, 2015 at 09:56AM EST
6 posts from 4 users

So I uploaded this: under Pokemon. However, someone placed it under Gardevoir for some odd reason (an under-evaluation entry even). Apparently it belongs despite NOT being a fanwork but an actual video game screenshot. It's really annoying because out of the gifs I uploaded related to Pokken, it's the only one missing under Pokemon AND it's the only Gardevoir submission in the Gardevoir entry that is not fanwork.

The main focus of the gif is Gardevoir. Even the title is related to loving Gardevoir, which is partly why it became such a popular Pokemon in the first place.
I really don't see anything wrong with it being in that entry.

Last edited Feb 18, 2015 at 12:21PM EST

So if I say, upload a series of gifs from a game, and one of them happens to be Gardevoir, it will automatically go there because "Gardevoir", even though if you look at the context, all of the entries in Gardevoir are fanart shit? Notice how it will be the only one out of place and the one be missing on the other gameplay gifs in the main entry?

So it seems the issue is the title – then I will change it. Because it's primarily capturing the intro poses of mons.

The main function of image galleries is to show spread. If your image is of Gardevoir, then it should be placed in the Gardevoir gallery, as it is more related then an umbrella gallery.

Your image has enough upvotes to be in the trending gallery, so I doubt someone would miss the gif. In the case that someone asks about the lack of a gif, maybe post it in the comments.

I also find it funny how you say the gallery is fanart shit, when there are plenty of gameplay images in the gallery, along with gifs from the anime, and not just "fanart shit".

Last edited Feb 18, 2015 at 10:15PM EST
However, someone placed it under Gardevoir for some odd reason (an under-evaluation entry even)

So, you're saying it Isn't an example of Gardevoir? Also, why does the fact that the Gardevoir entry is "under evaluation" matter at all? If anything, it shows that the gallery needs more examples.

it’s the only Gardevoir submission in the Gardevoir entry that is not fanwork.

Oh really now? Are you sure about that?

Say mods should lock Pokemon gallery due to people ignoring Pokemon submemes.
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