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It Is Evil To Hate Nice People.

Last posted Mar 22, 2021 at 11:17PM EDT. Added Mar 16, 2021 at 04:31PM EDT
8 posts from 7 users

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I have an important serious issue to make about people and being nice.
I support equality and feminism. I support women having equal rights to men.
In my view women should have the vote. No woman should ever be raped. No woman should be sexually abused. No woman should be bullied.
I support equality for women of any race or religion.
All men should support equality for women. End of story.
I support nice people.
But I am against seeing evil as sexy.
Nice people should not be hated for being nice.
It is evil to hate nice people. End of story.
It is not feminist to support the bullies, rapists and wife beaters.
Any person who is sexually aroused by evil is evil. End of story.
Sexual attraction is one of the most powerful emotions.
If someone is sexually aroused by people doing evil then they are remorselessly evil.
Anyone who supports evil is evil.
It is evil to be sexually aroused by bullies, wife beaters, and rapists.
It is narcissistic, depraved, warped, twisted, devious, cunning, evil, nasty, smug, selfish, sad, creepy, pathetic, boring, trite, weak-minded, cowardly, and bad to be sexually aroused by evil people.
It is just evil to support evil.
Supporting evil is not romantic.
Supporting evil people is not inventive.
Supporting evil people is not brave.
Supporting evil is just cowardly and creepy. Fancying evil people is a cliché by boring unimaginative smug cruel selfish people.
They want the power that comes from people fearing them. They want to be admired for supporting evil.
Supporting evil is just supporting evil. No matter how it is dressed up it is a nasty thing to be evil.

One of the main reasons that some people stay in domestic abuse relationships is they are taught to see evil as exciting, manly, powerful and sexy. We need to stop seeing evil as manly or sexy.
It is evil to see evil as sexy.
Rape fantasies are evil.
I think rapists get away with rape often because some evil people in the justice system see rapists as sexy. It is evil to support rapists.
Bullying can wreck lives and can cause mental illness, PTSD, and worse.
The people who fancy evil people, tend to be very smug. How can you be smug about supporting abuse?
I am not trying to cause offence.
I am just giving my ideas.
I have read evil people’s views saying that nice people should be hated for being needy.
Nice people should not be hated for being needy.
I am nice and do not deserve to be hated. It is the evil bullies who should be hated.

Nope. Sorry, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with getting off to fantasy as long as you draw the line at reality, and even then, it is only a problem if you act on it.

People do not control what they are attracted to, only how they act on that, so as long as they only act on it in a safe and consensual manner between other adults with safe words, or solo in the privacy of their bedroom, who are you to tell them they are evil for that?

Yeah I didn't read that shit. Seems like rambling.

I guess I am going to assume its something along the lines of we should support nice people and not promote being an asshole. Which is good in practice, but considering the internet it will least likely happen as everybody enjoys being the asshole. Including this site considering its track record of antagonism towards anything it finds stupid.


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