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Deadpool and Hidden

Last posted Feb 16, 2012 at 11:28PM EST. Added Feb 16, 2012 at 04:48PM EST
5 posts from 5 users

While it is easy to tell what entries deserve the deadpool, hidden is more tricky.
Sometimes I am tempted to put an entry into hidden, but I can't find a legit reason. I know that hidden entries should fall under this category:

Hidden: Entries should only be marked “hidden” if they are a duplicate or contain spam, gore, or porn. Anything else should be deadpooled.

Then, should those entries that are for one single derivative be hidden? Like this or this?

Last edited Feb 16, 2012 at 04:49PM EST

I think that all of the derivaties of What I Do qualify as duplicates. A duplicate should probably include derivaties like forever a drone. We shouldn't strictly say all derivaties are duplicates because that would lead into the derivaties of advices dog and such being lead into question, but things that slightly deviate from the meme should be inculded into the main meme's article at the editors' discretions. If they launch and become their own meme then I would say it would be alright for it to expand into it's own article, but on their own then it is a duplicate.

I believe that the duplicate part of that rule should only apply to an entry that is recovering an already made entry. Stuff like variations and derivatives should be deadpooled not hidden. Of course that's my own opinion. You may want to ask the Admins about that.

I generally hide entries that are derivitives; by which I mean are examples of the meme (in that if someone made an entry for an Advice Dog picture, I would add the picture to the main entry and then hide it).

One must be careful doing this, however, because it IS possible that it's something larger than just one image, so use your best judgement.

I also tend to hide entries that go something along the line of "I just made this up LOL." Even though I think Don doesn't approve of it, although I can't be 100% on that assertion.

Edit: To add to this, hidden entries are still held in the database, just like confirmed, submitted, and deadpooled entries. So it doesn't make all that much of a difference in the long run, but in that hidden things will never be able to be recovered by normal users, so one must be SURE that what they are hiding isn't a meme.

Last edited Feb 16, 2012 at 11:22PM EST

Deadpooled entries could be split up into two groups.
One for being an obvious deadpool.
One because of lack of spread or content.
But I do think there should be some kind of way to permanently delete bad entries (as if this has not been discussed before). Not ones that "hmm, maybe this will be popular someday", but ones that "wtf, single derivatives again made by a BNM".


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