I hate the fact that all this suggestive stuff gets uploaded. Sexual harassment, bare minimum clothing, drawn porn that has little unique value other than being porn with naughty bits censored by the uploader, and anything else that exists almost solely to be sexual. I would not mind terribly if many of these images that aren't a specific meme in their own right just disappeared off the site.
Time to suck that up, because if I don't, I can't tell the others users to suck it if they don't like the rules. I'd be a terrible mod if I just let personal opinions rule everything I do, so he's more of how I see it.
Actual porn (with extremely limited exceptions when absolutely needed for documentation) is not allowed on the site. While my personal opinions may be against overly suggestive stuff, that alone is a pretty poor reason to just delete it. Memes like Mega Milk and Mamming definitely have spread, and there it is essential for stuff that some may see as questionable to be present in the gallery (though I know this is pretty soft compared to what the other users are getting at).
As for a filter, that's what the NSFW tag is for. Different users have different ideas of what it should be used for. Stuff I upload is that is tagged is usually borderline SFW/NSFW, stuff others often upload is often borderline NSFW/suspension. People just have different standards of what they consider appropriate. Nothing behind the preview images (according to NSFW guidelines) should be so bad that a new system is needed.
If anyone sees images that they think violate the KYM NSFW Guidelines or the KYM Image Gallery Guidelines contact a mod about it. If you are not sure, ask one. KYM IRC is likely the fastest way to get a response, but PMs work as well.
TL;DR: I personally would love to see some of the softcore/bordlerline porn gone and/or uploaded less, but don't see it happening. If you see images that you think break rules, please report them. Feel free to ask mods about images that you are unsure about as well. However, in terms of trying to change the "culture of uploads", good luck. One way I personally deal with it is to upload SFW examples (with tags and source) to try and create a better balance with the suggestive ones. They never get nearly as many votes as the others, but it makes me feel better.