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what happened to the front page layout?

Last posted Oct 02, 2015 at 11:08PM EDT. Added Sep 28, 2015 at 11:16PM EDT
9 posts from 8 users

They're experimenting with different frontpage layouts. It might change a bit more in the following weeks, but the final product is going to take some time.


I think that last part is supposed to be the point. Modern UX design is kinda about making the bridge between mobile and desktop interfaces. My guess is that this is an attempt to both increase the moblie visits and increase our search engine rankings. Welcome to KYM v3.something.

ugh, if I wanted my computer to look like my phone I'd use my tablet… it looked fine on phones anyway, tbh on my phone now it doesn't really look any different from before.

I'm still waiting for the entry layouts to be fixed for mobile; I'm looking through entries on my phone and the images simply aren't sized and placed in the way they are on the desktop version.

The one main thing I dislike about the new frontpage is how picture-oriented it is. I always liked how that anything on the front page is a short paragraph accompanied by a relavent picture, but now with the new design it feels like the picture is the only thing that matters, and the blurb is now reduced to a sentence or two.

This gives the site a very unprofessional look, like just another clickbait website. I know clickbait is good money, but I really hope it's not what the site is turning into.


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