ITT: We discuss getting one already-overworked web dev to replace a site's text entry with a functionally identical, yet sorta more convenient one.
Admittedly the KYM Guide to Textiles is very outdated, and most of the thread is people testing if they can use blockquote blocks correctly. That said, a ton of KYM's other site features and just as thoroughly undocumented, such as the search tool, and literally anything to do with tagging. This, on its own, does not warrant changing the features themselves; it's more an indication of more work we can give to mods. An update to the KYM textile guide would be pretty nice (or replacing it altogether, honestly).
As for textile, however, it's another one of those issues that seems to have "just ask someone more experienced than you" written all over it (thanks, ArchaicEX ). Calling simple HTML elements "harder" is probably underestimating the intelligence of the average KYM user, which is pretty damn hard to do. Anyone who has edited a KYM article has had at least some experience with these. Simplifying an already basic system to save people this shallow learning curve is like adding instructions to toilet paper.
…Or that replacing the KYM entry fields would be a 1 hour copy-paste job. It's always possible.