Distracted Boyfriend - Images
to watch list vs new anime season

Distracted Boyfriend
Disloyal Mangaka

Distracted Boyfriend
Touhou doujins vs. Touhou games

Distracted Boyfriend
The sweet release of death

Distracted Boyfriend
Artist Looking at Other Stuff
Distracted Boyfriend
Man Looking at Other weird ships
Distracted Boyfriend
Man Looking at Other Woman (※ senpai = senior / kohai = junior) by Ko Takeuchi
Distracted Boyfriend
Men Looking at Other Drinks
Distracted Boyfriend
PLD and AST in many queues...
Distracted Boyfriend
Star Fox 2 Be Like

Distracted Boyfriend
games on sale / me / unplayed, untouched games sitting in my steam library

Distracted Boyfriend
my gf / me / an angry stranger who is holding my hand for some reason
Distracted Boyfriend
a girl who has just given me a free lemon / me / my girlfriend who has just noticed Godzilla is dest...
Distracted Boyfriend
The truth about BOTW

Distracted Boyfriend
Man Looking at New Ocs
Distracted Boyfriend
am I doing this rigjthtt by fell_martins
Distracted Boyfriend