History Memes - Images
They're similar aren't they (sorry for bad crop) | History Memes

History Memes
Body armor in both world wars is often overlooked IMO. | History Memes

History Memes
I am not crying you are...... | History Memes

History Memes
When you realized this character in Oppenheimer was born before USSR, fought USSR and outlived USSR....

History Memes
Lot of stars | History Memes

History Memes
OK Your Turn Oregonians, Just Which Brain Dead People Voted Against that Referendum? | History Memes
![Meas. Num. 14 2000 Alabama Amendment 2 This amendment repeals the state constitutional ban on interracial marriage + Yes I drink my thermometer BALLOT Yes Passed? + Yes No votes votes ◆ ◆ % Yes 867,901 352,027 71.14% Yes ♦ Type + Leg Yes Alabama Interracial Marriage Amendment Choice ✓ Yes X I dnnk my thermometer Total votes Amendment 2 80% 90% 2002 GENERAL ELECTION Detailed information on measures [69] and official election results [68] available at the Secretary of State's web site. Const. Amd.? 70%-80% 60%-70% 50%-60% Results Votes 801,725 545,933 1,347,658 I drink my thermometer 60% 70% 50%-60% Source: Secretary of State of Alabama[¹] Ballot Title % vents 59.49% 40.51% 100.00% Removes Historical Racial References in Obsolete Sections of Constitution, Article VII (Original), Article XVIII](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/668/604/fa8.png)
![Meas. Num. 14 2000 Alabama Amendment 2 This amendment repeals the state constitutional ban on interracial marriage + Yes I drink my thermometer BALLOT Yes Passed? + Yes No votes votes ◆ ◆ % Yes 867,901 352,027 71.14% Yes ♦ Type + Leg Yes Alabama Interracial Marriage Amendment Choice ✓ Yes X I dnnk my thermometer Total votes Amendment 2 80% 90% 2002 GENERAL ELECTION Detailed information on measures [69] and official election results [68] available at the Secretary of State's web site. Const. Amd.? 70%-80% 60%-70% 50%-60% Results Votes 801,725 545,933 1,347,658 I drink my thermometer 60% 70% 50%-60% Source: Secretary of State of Alabama[¹] Ballot Title % vents 59.49% 40.51% 100.00% Removes Historical Racial References in Obsolete Sections of Constitution, Article VII (Original), Article XVIII](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/668/604/fa8.png)
History Memes
American Teenagers In the Later Stages Of The Vietnam War | History Memes

History Memes
Sotheby's did an oopsie

History Memes
One of the greatest tragedies in US history that’s not often talked about | History Memes

History Memes
Why be a king when you can be a god | History Memes

History Memes
The whole world owes a big favor to this man | History Memes

History Memes
We still doing 'Hulk taco' memes? | History Memes

History Memes
The USSR relationship with the Capitalist countries during the Cold War be like: | History Memes

History Memes
When Singapore did the complete opposite of segregation | History Memes

History Memes
The abduction of the Sabine women is not the Romans greatest moment | History Memes

History Memes
He conquered Europe, but couldn’t beat some rabbits | History Memes

History Memes