/r/freefolk - Images
Literally, just a picture of Emilia Clarke being ridiculously beautiful | /r/FreeFolk

House Stark and House Mormont will unite under One house! | /r/FreeFolk

Winds of Winter release debunked, Huh yeah I didn’t get the Memo about that | /r/FreeFolk

Samwell Tarly slayers of White walkers lovers of ladies | /r/FreeFolk

Night King startled by Arya sneaking up on him | /r/FreeFolk

Aemond gives his sister the head of Meleys as a gift | /r/FreeFolk

The Cart used to carry a dragon head through Kings Landing, either Arrax or Meleys | /r/FreeFolk

Filming a scene in Spain, where Arrax’s head is brought to Kings Landing as a Trophy | /r/FreeFolk

Leaked WoW | /r/FreeFolk

Every time Arya awoke with a concussion from a blow to the head, she should have forgotten a little ...

Who will end up as CEO of Waystar-Royco by the end of the series: | /r/FreeFolk

When you really want to enjoy S8, but the criticisms of the writing full of good points. | /r/FreeFo...

With the crypts clearly unsafe, there is only one man who can save the women and children | /r/FreeF...

I'm a Mother of Dragons! It's just that my dragons have furry coats | /r/FreeFolk

Going through Im-Not-Steve and leafeon123's comments and downvoting them like | /r/FreeFolk

Am I the only one who thinks he's completely right? | /r/FreeFolk
