/r/freefolk - Images
My Hinge match likes most of season 8. Lad’s, what should I do. | /r/FreeFolk

Once septa unella, always septa unella | /r/FreeFolk

Stumbled upon an old tweet... I'm still so mad about what we could have had. | /r/FreeFolk

Benioff and Weiss when Season 8 reviews dropped | /r/FreeFolk

So the people of KL just accepted Tyrion's position as Hand to Bran? | /r/FreeFolk

A character deserving of more respect | /r/FreeFolk

When you lose half your army and your dragon to help the North save the world but Sansa still thinks...

Jamie going back to Cersie after sleeping with Brienne of Tarth | /r/FreeFolk

Fanfiction writers be wildin sometimes | /r/FreeFolk

House Lannister Rules | /r/FreeFolk

Ask yourself this question. | /r/FreeFolk

My first time | /r/FreeFolk

Look At This Poor Soul | /r/FreeFolk

Two later to be butchered characters share a beautiful scene | /r/FreeFolk

Oh boy the writing here | /r/FreeFolk

Boss music | /r/FreeFolk

Happy Birthday George R.R. Martin! Three and Seventy years young today! Thanks for the stories that ...

It's math and stuff. | /r/FreeFolk

TFW you could’ve had some really cool development evil or good but instead get pushed aside as some ...

When my post shows more effort than D&D... | /r/FreeFolk
