/r/freefolk - Images
If D&D wrote the finale of Wandavision... | /r/FreeFolk

Not sure what the ads are trying to tell me but i guess Winds wont be out anytime soon | /r/FreeFolk

Your face when you already saw World War Z so you disappear for the entire battle. | /r/FreeFolk

Kneelers when trying to justify D&D's bad writing and lack of logic | /r/FreeFolk

Who has a better story than Bran the Broken? (No Legs Edition)..... | /r/FreeFolk

What if the Lannisters could text? | /r/FreeFolk

Omg look at these toxic trolls | /r/FreeFolk

The History books will says different....... But | /r/FreeFolk

Never thought I'd have to endure 2 of these type endings in one lifetime... | /r/FreeFolk

Who has a better story than Rickon the Useless | /r/FreeFolk

When the username is available | /r/FreeFolk

lOgIc | /r/FreeFolk

Just a quick reminder about one of the most nonsense scene in television history | /r/FreeFolk

Do you think the nights King will be arriving at winterfell. ...... Think again | /r/FreeFolk

My homie Tyron spitting out words of wisdom. Tyrion Lannister ain't got nothing on him. | /r/FreeFol...

Still better writing than D&D | /r/FreeFolk
