/r/freefolk - Images
Dorky or badass? | /r/FreeFolk

I agree Maegor | /r/FreeFolk

Ned knew from the start.... | /r/FreeFolk

Season 8 .. it's what this show will be remembered for .. it's what remains of it. | /r/FreeFolk

If I ever acquire a GOT Complete Series box set | /r/FreeFolk

Hey Drogon! How's the weather? | /r/FreeFolk

tHeRe’S nOThiNg iN tHe WorLD mORe pOwERfUL ThAn a GoOd sToRY | /r/FreeFolk

W in George RR Martin stands for writing | /r/FreeFolk

No madness, just stupidity. | /r/FreeFolk

This quote which I think applies quite well to the final season | /r/FreeFolk

When they try to dismiss my arguments on how seasons 5-7 are almost as bad as 8. | /r/FreeFolk

Out of context motivation from Joffrey | /r/FreeFolk

Dany the abolitionist | /r/FreeFolk

Kinda forgot to read the books | /r/FreeFolk

How Free Folk feel when someone mentions they like season 8. | /r/FreeFolk

My attempt on Bran having better ending than D&D made. | /r/FreeFolk

Brian Cox was the first choice to play Bobby B. We are here live for his response | /r/FreeFolk

"Only a few people disliked it." | /r/FreeFolk

Motherfucker that’s from Con Air | /r/FreeFolk

Thanks Grandpa | /r/FreeFolk
