/r/freefolk - Images
The producers are currently trying to figure out what Daemon and Nettles relationship will be since ...

Seasmoke waiting for Laenor to come back | /r/FreeFolk

Never underestimate the power of cold pasta. | /r/FreeFolk

Me when I’m able to spot literally anything during the Battle of Winterfell | /r/FreeFolk

“From my blood, come The Prince That Was Promised and his will be the Song of Ice and Fire." | /r/Fr...

I repost this beauty to bless y’all | /r/FreeFolk

Sacrificing Gam Gam to the Drowned Gods. What is dead may never die! | /r/FreeFolk

Cast both (David Wenham's Faramir) and (John Noble's Denethor) as members of House Stark in the next...

Howbowdah. | /r/FreeFolk

Vizzy T‘s cheap parlor tricks or beloved Bobby B’s sentience well earned? | /r/FreeFolk

At what point during season 7-8 did you have your wtf moment, like is this really the route they’re ...

Remember this? Wasn’t worth it | /r/FreeFolk

HBO canceled Westworld. I think it was this episode where the downfall began. Fook D&D | /r/FreeFolk

agreed? | /r/FreeFolk

An appropriate reaction all things considered. | /r/FreeFolk

Everywhere you go | /r/FreeFolk
