/r/freefolk - Images
He's the only reason why I'll watch next season | /r/FreeFolk

Inside the HOTD writing room | /r/FreeFolk

They called me a madman. HOTD has the complete approval of George they said. | /r/FreeFolk

GRRM: "Rhaenyra wasn't loved by smallfolk" TB fans | /r/FreeFolk

This is how I imagine HBO defenders these days (and those who shit on GRRM for calling them out too)...

“Think I’ll take two chickens.” | /r/FreeFolk

George throwing hella shade there. So dumb can't believe People defended this shit. | /r/FreeFolk

Most of us after reading GRRM's blogpost. | /r/FreeFolk

Rouge Prince turned into moron | /r/FreeFolk

![r/HouseOfTheDragon •1 mo. ago [deleted] ++ TOXIC POSITIVITY THREAD ++ Show Discussion ÷ Do you like House of the Dragon? Did you come to this subreddit to discuss the things you like about the show you like and why you like them? Is every. single. thread. (literally every single one) littered with hate comments about why the thing you like is actually really lame and bad? Is that annoying to you? Me too! I just want to enjoy things. I have enough to complain about in my actual, real life. Let me escape with the dragon war-lords in peace. Let's be positive in this one little spot and just enjoy something. I'll go first: I am a book reader. I personally love changes in adaptations and I am excited to see new things. I think Raena and the dragon in the vale is really interesting and I can't wait to see where that goes. I'm also loving Daemon's Harrenhall haunted house. Big fan of character studies and I love how they used this time where in the book Daemon is just like in the riverlands to explore the character in a really fun and visually/conceptually interesting way. 2.8K 917 3 Share](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/899/054/2e2.png)
![r/HouseOfTheDragon •1 mo. ago [deleted] ++ TOXIC POSITIVITY THREAD ++ Show Discussion ÷ Do you like House of the Dragon? Did you come to this subreddit to discuss the things you like about the show you like and why you like them? Is every. single. thread. (literally every single one) littered with hate comments about why the thing you like is actually really lame and bad? Is that annoying to you? Me too! I just want to enjoy things. I have enough to complain about in my actual, real life. Let me escape with the dragon war-lords in peace. Let's be positive in this one little spot and just enjoy something. I'll go first: I am a book reader. I personally love changes in adaptations and I am excited to see new things. I think Raena and the dragon in the vale is really interesting and I can't wait to see where that goes. I'm also loving Daemon's Harrenhall haunted house. Big fan of character studies and I love how they used this time where in the book Daemon is just like in the riverlands to explore the character in a really fun and visually/conceptually interesting way. 2.8K 917 3 Share](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/899/054/2e2.png)
Game of Thrones ending if Ryan Condal was showrunner | /r/FreeFolk

Why even cast him if you were planning to delete his greatest moment in the show. | /r/FreeFolk

This man is your friend | /r/FreeFolk

Maybe George's blog was the real Azor Ahai all along | /r/FreeFolk

I wasn't expecting him to be this blunt with his criticism | /r/FreeFolk

Shoutout to Rickard and Maelor | /r/FreeFolk
