Okay but who actually told him?
![Faisal Habib⚫ 3rd+ 3w + Follow ... An employee asked me if he can WORK from HOME permanently. Here is what I told him. ...more CC Wei Qian Chan and 14,388 others Like 503 comments - 912 reposts Comment ✓ Repost Send + Follow ... Niharika Rawat • 3rd+ [14K+Linkedin Family] [3M+Impression] [HR Specialist] [... 3w An employee asked me if he can WORK from HOME permanently. Here is what I told him. ...more CC 11,467 532 comments - 490 reposts Like Comment ✓ Repost Send Heba A. • 2nd Chief Of Staff at MDP 1w. + Follow ... An employee asked me if he can WORK from HOME permanently. Here is what I told him. ...more CC Nabil Karim and 38,453 others 1,837 comments · 1,865 reposts](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/938/984/4df.png)
![Faisal Habib⚫ 3rd+ 3w + Follow ... An employee asked me if he can WORK from HOME permanently. Here is what I told him. ...more CC Wei Qian Chan and 14,388 others Like 503 comments - 912 reposts Comment ✓ Repost Send + Follow ... Niharika Rawat • 3rd+ [14K+Linkedin Family] [3M+Impression] [HR Specialist] [... 3w An employee asked me if he can WORK from HOME permanently. Here is what I told him. ...more CC 11,467 532 comments - 490 reposts Like Comment ✓ Repost Send Heba A. • 2nd Chief Of Staff at MDP 1w. + Follow ... An employee asked me if he can WORK from HOME permanently. Here is what I told him. ...more CC Nabil Karim and 38,453 others 1,837 comments · 1,865 reposts](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/938/984/4df.png)
/r/LinkedInLunatics / LinkedIn Lunatics
Simple changes, bro

/r/LinkedInLunatics / LinkedIn Lunatics
Choose your hobbies wisely

/r/LinkedInLunatics / LinkedIn Lunatics

/r/LinkedInLunatics / LinkedIn Lunatics

/r/LinkedInLunatics / LinkedIn Lunatics
I highly doubt this

/r/LinkedInLunatics / LinkedIn Lunatics
Thanks for sharing

/r/LinkedInLunatics / LinkedIn Lunatics
Drop your egg count

/r/LinkedInLunatics / LinkedIn Lunatics
This is brutal

/r/LinkedInLunatics / LinkedIn Lunatics
Thinking isn't allowed

/r/LinkedInLunatics / LinkedIn Lunatics
That's brutal

/r/LinkedInLunatics / LinkedIn Lunatics
Wait, what?

/r/LinkedInLunatics / LinkedIn Lunatics
That's wild

/r/LinkedInLunatics / LinkedIn Lunatics

/r/LinkedInLunatics / LinkedIn Lunatics
He's just so busy

/r/LinkedInLunatics / LinkedIn Lunatics

/r/LinkedInLunatics / LinkedIn Lunatics

/r/LinkedInLunatics / LinkedIn Lunatics
Dang engineers

/r/LinkedInLunatics / LinkedIn Lunatics
This is gross

/r/LinkedInLunatics / LinkedIn Lunatics
Putting him on blast

/r/LinkedInLunatics / LinkedIn Lunatics