/v/ - Images + Sorted By: Newest Oldest Comments Favorites High Score Low Score Views /v/ /v/ /v/ /v/ /v/ Junji Ito's waifu saw a PS3 game /v/ >8 years ago oh yeah i posted this image here i'm pretty sure this is a junji ito short story can't remember which but that girl can see spirit of the dead and eat it You could play some of my PS3 games if you get bored. /v/ sony playstation playstation 3 ps3 has no games shelf empty /v/ /v/ /v/ /v/ /v/ /v/ /v/ /v/ /v/ /v/ /v/ /v/ /v/ Today's Top Image Galleries Elon Musk Heil Salute X-Chan "Efficiency" Comic My Little Pony Casual Mai Shiranui