Dungeons and Dragons - Images
Yeah, This Makes Perfect Sense

Dungeons and Dragons
Well That's Unfortunate

Dungeons and Dragons
Happens Too Often

Dungeons and Dragons
Close Enough

Dungeons and Dragons
A Conversation Someone Overheard in DnD

Dungeons and Dragons
Makes Perfect Sense

Dungeons and Dragons
I Guess That Works
!["You can use Create or Destroy water to [broken thing the spell can't do]" "You can use Create or Destroy water on a bucket of seawater to get free salt"](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/465/461/e60.png)
!["You can use Create or Destroy water to [broken thing the spell can't do]" "You can use Create or Destroy water on a bucket of seawater to get free salt"](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/465/461/e60.png)
Dungeons and Dragons
How Is It Not Obvious?

Dungeons and Dragons
Might As Well Try

Dungeons and Dragons
This Image Is Extremely Confusing

Dungeons and Dragons
The Worst Feeling

Dungeons and Dragons
You Get What You Deserve

Dungeons and Dragons
Much Better

Dungeons and Dragons
Kids Are Weird

Dungeons and Dragons
That's fair

Dungeons and Dragons
Well That Wasn't Very Nice

Dungeons and Dragons