Fallout - Images
Vulpes Inculta

Dancing Dogmeat.

just pretending to be dead

Just when you think you've seen everything
![NCR Troopers png (113 KB, 223x260) Anonymous (ID 08/11/14 Mon)10:34:51 No.561793559 [Reply]561794388 How was your day, guys? >Be me NCR troop >This one guy apparently did hot s--- for the NCR a few times so he gets to call us up on his radio if he needs help >Get sent over to help him >Find this guy. Some courier in a vault suit. Randy looking bastard with a million mile blank stare on his face at all time >He has this creepy flying robot and some guy in a lab coat with him >Anyways, I rush over to his location and there's a bunch of Legion attacking him Ohshit.jpg >l try to help out and the guy starts hopping away from the fight like a little bitch >Then l swear to god this guy pulls this giant gun and a mini nuke right out of his ass >He fires it at the Legion >I'm caught in the blast and get severe radiation poisoning. Thanks, a------ >The Legion soldiers are dead. A few of them exploded into a million pieces >This randy bastard starts hopping toward the carnage >Starts looking at one piece of flesh on the ground as if he's going to find something >Somehow manages to grab throwing spears, healing powder, bullets, etc all from what could be a piece of ass on the ground >Suddenly this guy starts walking real slow toward the robot >He somehow shoves an entire throwing spear inside a machine no bigger than a Human head >He hops away while his companions chase after him Just when you think you've seen everything](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/928/904/b9e.jpg)
![NCR Troopers png (113 KB, 223x260) Anonymous (ID 08/11/14 Mon)10:34:51 No.561793559 [Reply]561794388 How was your day, guys? >Be me NCR troop >This one guy apparently did hot s--- for the NCR a few times so he gets to call us up on his radio if he needs help >Get sent over to help him >Find this guy. Some courier in a vault suit. Randy looking bastard with a million mile blank stare on his face at all time >He has this creepy flying robot and some guy in a lab coat with him >Anyways, I rush over to his location and there's a bunch of Legion attacking him Ohshit.jpg >l try to help out and the guy starts hopping away from the fight like a little bitch >Then l swear to god this guy pulls this giant gun and a mini nuke right out of his ass >He fires it at the Legion >I'm caught in the blast and get severe radiation poisoning. Thanks, a------ >The Legion soldiers are dead. A few of them exploded into a million pieces >This randy bastard starts hopping toward the carnage >Starts looking at one piece of flesh on the ground as if he's going to find something >Somehow manages to grab throwing spears, healing powder, bullets, etc all from what could be a piece of ass on the ground >Suddenly this guy starts walking real slow toward the robot >He somehow shoves an entire throwing spear inside a machine no bigger than a Human head >He hops away while his companions chase after him Just when you think you've seen everything](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/928/904/b9e.jpg)
I need to get out of this fucking desert

How the fuck did that happen /v/? How the fuck does he get his information so goddamn fast?

Fallout>Final Fantasy

Casinos Getting People To Play Longer By Telling Them Rest Of Civilization Destroyed

Listen pal. You tag along, you wear the fucking party hat.

Ring-a-ding, baby

But I hate Radroach

Papa Khan's

Don's Drug of Choice

Photogenic securiton

go to him and you will understand

If there’s no Fallout 4 announcement at E3 2015
