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Bear In The Big Blue House

Added 7 years ago by Bilbo Swaggins • Updated about a year ago by Bilbo Swaggins
Added 7 years ago by Bilbo Swaggins • Updated about a year ago by Bilbo Swaggins

Bear In The Big Blue House
Bear In The Big Blue House

Category: Subculture Status: submission Year: 1997 Origin: The Jim Henson Company Region:
Type: TV Show
Tags: bear in the big red house disney channel playhouse disney jim henson skeleton war reddit me_irl photoshop the great meme war

Additional References: Reddit


Bear In The Big Blue House is a Disney childrens' television series centered around the show's protagonist Bear who lives in a house with several of his puppet friends. In early October 2016, image macros of the character were frequently posted on the /r/me_irl subreddit to compete with the annual skeleton war event, leading some viewers to accuse the bear posts of being a forced meme.


On October 4th, 2016, Redditor bradfordGT submitted a picture of Bear from Bear In The Big Blue House, along with the caption "Trying to sneak in the new meme of the month like" (shown below). Within 72 hours, the post received upwards of 1,500 votes (93% upvoted) on the /r/me_irl subreddit.[1]

Trying to sneak in the new meme of the month like


Over the next 24 hours, several Bear in the Big Blue House image macros reached the front page of /r/me_irl (shown below).[8][9][10]

Babe: come over Me: I can't I'm in a big blue house Babe: I'm home alone Me: Me during the day vs at 3am when the memes become so self-referential that they exist as mockeries of themselves, too meta and so far abstracted from reality that without elaborate context they hold no meaning. Every day we further alienate ourselves from our peers and have only our sick meme addiction to blame

On October 5th, 2016, Redditor bradfordGT submitted a post stating that the "Bear in the Big Blue House memes" were "so hot right now" to /r/MemeEconomy.[4] That same day, Redditor Zonemasta8 speculated that the Bear in the Big Blue House would be the "meme of the month" in /r/MemeEconomy,[5] meanwhile a post featuring the bear on a "Great Meme Drought of October 2016" calendar reached the front page of /r/me_irl[2] (shown below).

The Great Meme Drought of October 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat October 2016 | 〉 4 7 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 Notes: Day 5: The Blue House Bear seems to be 30 a possible contender, but only time will tell Also I have realized I spelt drought wrong

The following day, Redditor TornzIP submitted a post claiming that the bear meme was "not meme of the month," arguing that it was being forced by people who were impatient for a new meme to rise organically. Within 24 hours, the post gained over 1,400 votes (91% upvoted) and 60 comments on /r/me_irl.[7] On October 6th, Redditor Pwnigiri submitted a "Whoa, We're Halfway There" image macro featuring a skeleton and Bear (shown below). On October 7th, Redditor PatClanet submitted a post announcing that "Bear in the Big Blue House memes are soon to peak!" to the /r/MemeEconomy[3] subreddit.

Wo-oah, we're halfway there/ Wo-oah,

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