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Day-to-day Extreme

Added by Andrey "Andy" Menchaca • Updated about a year ago by Tomberry
Added by Andrey "Andy" Menchaca • Updated about a year ago by Tomberry

Day-to-day Extreme
Day-to-day Extreme

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Category: Meme Status: deadpool Year: 2008 Origin: YouTube Region:
Tags: extreme video bizarre lol viral


Believed to be born at 2008, August, Day-to-day extreme its not really a memento, yet.It began with Youtube user Brandon Hardesty's a.k.a ArtieTSMITW, with over 1168956 views,Extreme X(Or Day-to-day Extreme as I sadly named it) consists in a series of videos made by different people. Basically, you do something considered normal while screaming and doing insanities during the entire video with a metal song on BG. [Mostly 3 Inches of Blood- Deadly Sinners]. It's original idea inspired other users to make hilarious videos.

About the Author:
Brandon Hardesty is a "aspiring film actor who has made videos for the internet for the past three years". Although he doesn't seem to have the intention of create a meme, he did. His "Extreme toothbrushing", "Extreme PB & J Sandwich-Making" and "Extreme Board Game-Playing" inspired others to create similar videos whose are almost certain to draw a laugh in those who watch the videos.

Brandon's Channel on Youtube:

Brandon's Official Website:

Started with:


There is even a short film made by Youtube user indrancole3 on March, 7, 2009:

More about indrancole3 on his Youtube channel:

Looks promising…or not.

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