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Marriage Advice Grandad

Added by Dominic Sosa • Updated about a year ago by opspe
Added by Dominic Sosa • Updated about a year ago by opspe

Marriage Advice Grandad
Marriage Advice Grandad

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Category: Meme Status: deadpool Year: 2013 Origin: Region:
Tags: adviceanimal

Additional References: Reddit

Marriage Advice Grandad is an advice animal meme created by "rountrey", a reddit user. It was submitted to via under the title "It seems a lot of people are having trouble with their marriage around here. For your consideration: Marriage Advice Granddad". The post was submitted on 10/8/13 (October 8th, 2013) around 8:00 AM and reached the front page of the advice animals subreddit ( by 8:00 PM with over 2000 upvotes.

The meme shows an image an elderly man implied to be a grandfather figure giving relationship advice in the form of text superimposed over the image. Examples provided by "rountrey" include "clean up after yourself/ she's your wife not your mom" or "too young to get married?/ both your grandma and I were 17, that worked out just fine."