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Added 11 years ago by angstyHoodie • Updated about 3 hours ago by Virescent Space Dorito
Added 11 years ago by angstyHoodie • Updated about 3 hours ago by Virescent Space Dorito


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Lackadaisy is an ongoing webcomic series by Tracy J. Butler set during Prohibition-era St. Louis. The series follows the exploits of the Lackadaisy Crew, a formerly prosperous crime gang fallen on hard times after the murder of their boss, Atlas May. The main protagonists for both the original webcomic and animated pilot is Rocky Rickaby, Calvin "Freckle" McMurray, and Ivy Pepper.


On July 19, 2006, Tracy J. Butler debuted the Lackadaisy website along with the first four pages of its comic.

On March 16, 2020, a Kickstarter was launched for a animated short which adapted one of the comic's storylines focusing on Rocky, Freckle, and Ivy.

The Lackadaisy animated pilot premiered on Youtube at March 26, 2023. Four months after its release, it had received 10 million views and 766k likes.

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