I just made this GIF

1970 "Special Barbie Month" Commercial
Groovy by Peargor
1970 "Special Barbie Month" Commercial
Hail to the queen, baby

1970 "Special Barbie Month" Commercial
"Groovy." -by Herny
1970 "Special Barbie Month" Commercial

1970 "Special Barbie Month" Commercial
I like the look of this commercial, so I was inspired to give this low-budget 70s style a go. by ajm...
1970 "Special Barbie Month" Commercial
redraw of that 70’s Barbie commercial, but it’s Amy and Blaze
1970 "Special Barbie Month" Commercial
1970 "Special Barbie Month" Commercial
💙 "What's that?" 🩷 "It's Special Darbie Month at the participating Checkered Past!"
1970 "Special Barbie Month" Commercial
special barbie month
1970 "Special Barbie Month" Commercial
Barbie in 1970

1970 "Special Barbie Month" Commercial
When your art block yields to a 1970's Barbie Commercial ☮️
1970 "Special Barbie Month" Commercial
Lol everyone kept telling me they remind them of my Cyndi and Stevie, so now I am obligated to draw ...
1970 "Special Barbie Month" Commercial
Barbie The Flamethrower

1970 "Special Barbie Month" Commercial
Gee, I'm overcome with emotion over free stuff

1970 "Special Barbie Month" Commercial
Incredible that a commercial from the 70s has become so relevant now Lol
1970 "Special Barbie Month" Commercial