Advice Dog - Images
Advice Dog
Advice Dog
Buy drugs and do them
Advice Dog
Advice Dog
Buy Pizza, Pay With Snakes
Advice Dog
Advice Dog
Blow up the moon. Nobody will notice.
Advice Dog
Eat paper. Tie rubber bands around your balls.
Advice Dog
Browse 4chan, Regret life
Advice Dog
Brok stohf Stol thongs
Advice Dog
Advice Dog
Advice Dog
Advice Dog
Don't be a prick, draw me a brick
Advice Dog
Delete System32, Make Your PC Faster
Advice Dog
save miney, kill hookers
Advice Dog
If GOVT was /b/ Palin would be a Newfag
Advice Dog
First I was like... but then I got raped
Advice Dog
Start World War III. Welcome back Jesus
Advice Dog
Be unique, dress the same
Advice Dog