Alear / Toothpaste-chan - Images

Alear / Toothpaste-chan
Edelgard and Dimitri kneel to the new Face of Fire Emblem

Alear / Toothpaste-chan
新ヒロインのwwwwwwwちゃん - by NerdAmiba

Alear / Toothpaste-chan
Toothpaste-chan looking sexy

Alear / Toothpaste-chan
Toothpaste girl - by sakuremi

Alear / Toothpaste-chan
"Fire Emblem Pepsi / Colgate looking wild"

Alear / Toothpaste-chan
Artwork of the protagonists from character designer Mika Pikazo
Alear / Toothpaste-chan
Sonic and Knuckles Cut
Alear / Toothpaste-chan