"Leave it to me."

Alternate-Timeline Super Smash Brothers Memes
Gardevoir is now playable!

Alternate-Timeline Super Smash Brothers Memes
Zero is my new main.

Alternate-Timeline Super Smash Brothers Memes
Poor Duke Nukem.... (Atleast he's a Mii Gunner costume along with Postal Dude)

Alternate-Timeline Super Smash Brothers Memes
A nice little tribute.

Alternate-Timeline Super Smash Brothers Memes
Yes, I Mained Dante

Alternate-Timeline Super Smash Brothers Memes
"The first victim of the robot apocalypse says what?"

Alternate-Timeline Super Smash Brothers Memes
Boggy B is now my favorite new main.

Alternate-Timeline Super Smash Brothers Memes
TFW people love the Echo fighter more than you...

Alternate-Timeline Super Smash Brothers Memes
Arthas Mains Rise Up

Alternate-Timeline Super Smash Brothers Memes
Just another Fire Emblem character in the eyes of the community

Alternate-Timeline Super Smash Brothers Memes
Does this mean a new Advance Wars game as well?

Alternate-Timeline Super Smash Brothers Memes
Enjoy this picture of Dante from an alternate universe.

Alternate-Timeline Super Smash Brothers Memes
tag-team mode be like

Alternate-Timeline Super Smash Brothers Memes
Ms. Fortune and Felicia

Alternate-Timeline Super Smash Brothers Memes
Red Savarin and Susie

Alternate-Timeline Super Smash Brothers Memes