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You might be a redneck if...

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Those weird eyes

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Unlimited Bait Works

Anime / Manga

Anime / Manga
Alex Moore on anime piracy and political agendas in dubs
![Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Alex Moore @AlexMooreActor If your pirating anime, please stop. Your excuses are invalid. Please learn the concept of "then you don't get to have it." You are not entitled to consume it merely because it exists and is out of your reach. That's some colonizer b-------. I bet there's a VHS copy on eBay somewhere. Or it's lost to you. The impermanence of "I buy merch!" Cool. Buy access to the show, too. It's less media. expensive. "My parent's won't pay for it!" So then you pay for it. Again, a subscription is "But [PC culture/feminism/politics] of dubs ruins the show!" less than $10a month. No it doesn't, you're just an a------. How many times have you heard someone yell "YOLO!" Or "YEET!" Or mention a meme in a "Subscriptions are expensive!" No they're not. And anime is a luxury. You do not require it to survive and it is not inhumane to deny you access to it. You can also watch localization? It's done to make it accessible and relevant, not be transliteral. (BTW, next liberal feminist Witch coven meeting is at some for free with ads. BN's.) "But I don't want to watch ads!" You can't sit through :60 of ads? Really? Broadcast TV breaks are longer. Otherwise, you need to pay for the privilege of ad-free. 8:48 AM · Aug 16, 2020 from Dallas, TX · Twitter for iPhone 301 Retweets 1.1K Likes 9.2K Quote Tweets "It's not available in my country! How am I supposed to watch it?" You're NOT supposed to watch it. It's specifically not available to you. "It's an old title!" I bet there's a VHS copy on eBay somewhere. Or it's lost to you. The impermanence of media. "My parent's won't pay for it!" So then you pay for it. Again, a subscription is less than $10 a month. "Subscriptions are expensive!" No they're not. And anime is a luxury. You do not require it to survive and it is not inhumane to deny you access to it. You can also watch some for free with ads. "But I don't want to watch ads!" You can't sit through :60 of ads? Really? Broadcast TV breaks are longer. Otherwise, you need to pay for the privilege of ad-free. "I buy merch!" Cool. Buy access to the show, too. It's less expensive. "But [PC culture/feminism/politics] of dubs ruins the show!" No it doesn't, you're just an a------. How many times have you heard someone yell "YOLO!" Or "YEET!" Or mention a meme in a localization? It's done to make it accessible and relevant, not be transliteral. (BTW, next liberal feminist Witch coven meeting is at BN's.)](
![Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Alex Moore @AlexMooreActor If your pirating anime, please stop. Your excuses are invalid. Please learn the concept of "then you don't get to have it." You are not entitled to consume it merely because it exists and is out of your reach. That's some colonizer b-------. I bet there's a VHS copy on eBay somewhere. Or it's lost to you. The impermanence of "I buy merch!" Cool. Buy access to the show, too. It's less media. expensive. "My parent's won't pay for it!" So then you pay for it. Again, a subscription is "But [PC culture/feminism/politics] of dubs ruins the show!" less than $10a month. No it doesn't, you're just an a------. How many times have you heard someone yell "YOLO!" Or "YEET!" Or mention a meme in a "Subscriptions are expensive!" No they're not. And anime is a luxury. You do not require it to survive and it is not inhumane to deny you access to it. You can also watch localization? It's done to make it accessible and relevant, not be transliteral. (BTW, next liberal feminist Witch coven meeting is at some for free with ads. BN's.) "But I don't want to watch ads!" You can't sit through :60 of ads? Really? Broadcast TV breaks are longer. Otherwise, you need to pay for the privilege of ad-free. 8:48 AM · Aug 16, 2020 from Dallas, TX · Twitter for iPhone 301 Retweets 1.1K Likes 9.2K Quote Tweets "It's not available in my country! How am I supposed to watch it?" You're NOT supposed to watch it. It's specifically not available to you. "It's an old title!" I bet there's a VHS copy on eBay somewhere. Or it's lost to you. The impermanence of media. "My parent's won't pay for it!" So then you pay for it. Again, a subscription is less than $10 a month. "Subscriptions are expensive!" No they're not. And anime is a luxury. You do not require it to survive and it is not inhumane to deny you access to it. You can also watch some for free with ads. "But I don't want to watch ads!" You can't sit through :60 of ads? Really? Broadcast TV breaks are longer. Otherwise, you need to pay for the privilege of ad-free. "I buy merch!" Cool. Buy access to the show, too. It's less expensive. "But [PC culture/feminism/politics] of dubs ruins the show!" No it doesn't, you're just an a------. How many times have you heard someone yell "YOLO!" Or "YEET!" Or mention a meme in a localization? It's done to make it accessible and relevant, not be transliteral. (BTW, next liberal feminist Witch coven meeting is at BN's.)](
Anime / Manga
Seriously, we need DiU instead of hyperpiece of crap

Anime / Manga

Anime / Manga
2013 The Anime Year of Homos

Anime / Manga
Black Guys in Kanto (Pokémon)

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Anime / Manga
The Black Fidget

Anime / Manga
this is a little more accurate

Anime / Manga
Grow Up, Guys

Anime / Manga
Dragon and Prencess

Anime / Manga
*le smug anime face*

Anime / Manga