Not an agenda post. Source? Trust me bro | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Antonymic Misinterpretation / X Implies the Existence of Y
BOOM! | /r/BabyYoda

Antonymic Misinterpretation / X Implies the Existence of Y
gamers | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Antonymic Misinterpretation / X Implies the Existence of Y
Doin your mum, doin, doin doing your mun | /r/okbuddyretard

Antonymic Misinterpretation / X Implies the Existence of Y
egirls implies the existence of offline, physical girls

Antonymic Misinterpretation / X Implies the Existence of Y
Baby Yoda Implies Sporty Yoda, Scary Yoda, Ginger Yoda and Posh Yoda

Antonymic Misinterpretation / X Implies the Existence of Y
John Lenon authright confirmed | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Antonymic Misinterpretation / X Implies the Existence of Y
Racism² | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Antonymic Misinterpretation / X Implies the Existence of Y
Baby Yoda, Sporty Yoda, Scary Yoda, Ginger Yoda and Posh Yoda

Antonymic Misinterpretation / X Implies the Existence of Y
Domesticated violence bad | /r/okbuddyretard

Antonymic Misinterpretation / X Implies the Existence of Y
Jazz music stops | /r/dankmemes

Antonymic Misinterpretation / X Implies the Existence of Y
I’d probably be in bronze or low silver lmao | /r/dankmemes

Antonymic Misinterpretation / X Implies the Existence of Y
Ranked Sex

Antonymic Misinterpretation / X Implies the Existence of Y

Antonymic Misinterpretation / X Implies the Existence of Y