Awful Taste, But Great Execution - Images
Pebble path, inside an apartment

Awful Taste, But Great Execution
This painting

Awful Taste, But Great Execution
Making sure no one takes it

Awful Taste, But Great Execution
This is... odd

Awful Taste, But Great Execution
A Walkman coffin

Awful Taste, But Great Execution
These shoes

Awful Taste, But Great Execution
This somewhat nauseating room

Awful Taste, But Great Execution

Awful Taste, But Great Execution
These claw nails

Awful Taste, But Great Execution
A literal turtleneck

Awful Taste, But Great Execution
This strange car mod

Awful Taste, But Great Execution
The football stadium haircut

Awful Taste, But Great Execution
An artist paints on the backs of beetles

Awful Taste, But Great Execution
Tooth Jewelry

Awful Taste, But Great Execution
These Extreme Nails

Awful Taste, But Great Execution
Furby Toenails

Awful Taste, But Great Execution