Balkan Memes - Images
They are everywhere. | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Tourism in serbia is booming | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Least patriotic door in Romania | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Average Nihilist in Turkey | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
To fake mongols | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
That's how we raise the next generation of thieves, murderers and war criminals | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Smartest analbanian | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Serbitch gets gangbanged | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Know your priority | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Oh boy, look what the Orthodox Croats are up to. | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Where is my organs? | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Least self hating Bulgarian turk | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
most fair fight in balkan | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Albanian family sticker | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Turks raging in the comments | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
WW3 is coming?? | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Proud Romanians (mostly) ashamed of one city while the rest of the Balkands are embarrassed by their whole country(hungary and Greece don’t exists btw) | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
| /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Least delusional Mongol fantasy | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Updated map of the Gypsy Empire | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes