Balkan Memes - Images
most white gayreek | /r/2balkan4you/top/
![ We are Greeks,](
![ We are Greeks,](
Balkan Memes
Least courageous Cretan | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Balkan Memes
Don't try. Worst Idea in my life | /r/2balkan4you/top/
![Scary fact: if ayou go to Belgrade at 3 AM and scream "I AM RUSSIAN" scary creatures called "Serbians" will appear and suck your d---.](
![Scary fact: if ayou go to Belgrade at 3 AM and scream "I AM RUSSIAN" scary creatures called "Serbians" will appear and suck your d---.](
Balkan Memes
What it feels like debating with the Turk on Reddit that called me Gayreek. | /r/2balkan4you/top/
![Des lel-i Rhed- middet rapital](
![Des lel-i Rhed- middet rapital](
Balkan Memes
i was told to post this here | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Based Bulgaria | /r/2balkan4you/top/
![Actual Fact Bot 3: Hogwart's School of Zapoi Nov 12 ·O In 2012, two Bulgarian alfalfa farmers captured 5 suspected thieves after an intense fight. These 5 thieves then turned out to be French commandos who were on a secret training mission. Source: /2955442/posts As you can see, this COountry is shockingly based.](
![Actual Fact Bot 3: Hogwart's School of Zapoi Nov 12 ·O In 2012, two Bulgarian alfalfa farmers captured 5 suspected thieves after an intense fight. These 5 thieves then turned out to be French commandos who were on a secret training mission. Source: /2955442/posts As you can see, this COountry is shockingly based.](
Balkan Memes
We did it boys, we ended racism | /r/2balkan4you/top/
![Mirnes Kovac @MirnesKo... ·5 ene. “There is no #Antisemitism in #Bosnia Three ethnic groups are so much dedicated to hating each other that they don't find time to hate Jews." Jakob Finci, president of Jewish community in Bosnia and Herzegovina "U Bosni nema antisemitizma. Zapravo tri etničke grupe su toliko okrenute mržnji jednih prema drugima da nemaju vremena da mrze Jevreje." Jakob Finci, predsjednik Jevrejske zajednice u BiН](
![Mirnes Kovac @MirnesKo... ·5 ene. “There is no #Antisemitism in #Bosnia Three ethnic groups are so much dedicated to hating each other that they don't find time to hate Jews." Jakob Finci, president of Jewish community in Bosnia and Herzegovina "U Bosni nema antisemitizma. Zapravo tri etničke grupe su toliko okrenute mržnji jednih prema drugima da nemaju vremena da mrze Jevreje." Jakob Finci, predsjednik Jevrejske zajednice u BiН](
Balkan Memes
Least fascist Croatian wine | /r/2balkan4you/top/
![VOWIFID ll ill GA O0100 % O 07:49 HETNIKS BLOOD FROM KNIN bratan firmest vine from Dalmatian regon Acshal 13% by vol Dark Rad 750ml Vntage August 1995 而i](
![VOWIFID ll ill GA O0100 % O 07:49 HETNIKS BLOOD FROM KNIN bratan firmest vine from Dalmatian regon Acshal 13% by vol Dark Rad 750ml Vntage August 1995 而i](
Balkan Memes
War criminals in the balkansvs war criminals everywhere else | /r/2balkan4you/top/
![why didn't u tell me u are a warcriminal of the Bosnian war ? i'm shy lol](
![why didn't u tell me u are a warcriminal of the Bosnian war ? i'm shy lol](
Balkan Memes
average serbian live chat | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Kosovo je Australija | /r/2balkan4you/top/
![teddy ted @esc_ted ERT be like Kosovo je Australija EPT 3 H ΕΛΛΑΔΑ ΚΟΣΟΒΟ *****, E EPT 3 LIVE](
![teddy ted @esc_ted ERT be like Kosovo je Australija EPT 3 H ΕΛΛΑΔΑ ΚΟΣΟΒΟ *****, E EPT 3 LIVE](
Balkan Memes
. | /r/2balkan4you/top/
Balkan Memes
Least s*rbian nationalist | /r/2balkan4you/top/
![Kosovo is not a country. _stefan_ Slovenian,croatian, Bosnian,Macedonian and Montenegro don't even have real languages they are just modified Serbian 17w Reply](
![Kosovo is not a country. _stefan_ Slovenian,croatian, Bosnian,Macedonian and Montenegro don't even have real languages they are just modified Serbian 17w Reply](
Balkan Memes
![Fifty Shades of Whey @...· 1d One week into being mayor, INANEI former cop Eric Adams appointed his own brother as the NYPD Deputy Commissioner, a position that has a salary of $242,000 per year. Bernard Adams' most recent job was an assistant director for parking at a college. This is corrupt as f---. First time?](
![Fifty Shades of Whey @...· 1d One week into being mayor, INANEI former cop Eric Adams appointed his own brother as the NYPD Deputy Commissioner, a position that has a salary of $242,000 per year. Bernard Adams' most recent job was an assistant director for parking at a college. This is corrupt as f---. First time?](
Balkan Memes
Balkanbros, is there a way we can teach w*stern men to not go beastmode on women so much? | /r/2balk...
![The percentage of women who have experienced physical and/or sexual violence from an intimate partner at some time in their life Moldova 45-5 Turkey 38 Latvia 32 Denmark 32 Finland 30 UK 29 Sweden 28 N. Macedonia 27.7 Norway 27 France 26 Netherlands 25 Belarus 25 Albania loeland 24.6 Romania 24 Lithuania 24 Belgium 24 Swedeny Finland Serbia 23.7 Slovakia 23 Bulgaria stonia Russia WESTOID 23 MEDIAN=22 Iceland 22.4 Luxembourg 22 Denmark Germany Hungary 22 Ireland Belarus 21 Czechia Net Poland 21 Estonia Gerinany Sourg Ukraine 20 Russia 19.6 Czechia l Portugal 19 Sioldova Georgia Azerbaija France AustriaHungary Italy itzerland Sloveni Croatia Romania 19 Armenia Greece 19 Malta BIH Serbia 15 Bulgaria Ireland Italy 15 aced Turkey Сургus All 15 Portugal Spain Azerbaijan 13.5 Ukraine 13.2 Cyprus BIH 13.1 Spain 13 Malta Slovenia 13 % of women Poland 13 Croatia 13 Austria 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 >30 No data 13 Switzerland 9.8 Armenia ©2020 Milos Popovic Source: OECD (2020), Violence against women (indicator). doi: 10.1787/fieb4876-en (Accessed on 24 November 2020) 8.2 Georgia 6.1 BALKANCHAD](
![The percentage of women who have experienced physical and/or sexual violence from an intimate partner at some time in their life Moldova 45-5 Turkey 38 Latvia 32 Denmark 32 Finland 30 UK 29 Sweden 28 N. Macedonia 27.7 Norway 27 France 26 Netherlands 25 Belarus 25 Albania loeland 24.6 Romania 24 Lithuania 24 Belgium 24 Swedeny Finland Serbia 23.7 Slovakia 23 Bulgaria stonia Russia WESTOID 23 MEDIAN=22 Iceland 22.4 Luxembourg 22 Denmark Germany Hungary 22 Ireland Belarus 21 Czechia Net Poland 21 Estonia Gerinany Sourg Ukraine 20 Russia 19.6 Czechia l Portugal 19 Sioldova Georgia Azerbaija France AustriaHungary Italy itzerland Sloveni Croatia Romania 19 Armenia Greece 19 Malta BIH Serbia 15 Bulgaria Ireland Italy 15 aced Turkey Сургus All 15 Portugal Spain Azerbaijan 13.5 Ukraine 13.2 Cyprus BIH 13.1 Spain 13 Malta Slovenia 13 % of women Poland 13 Croatia 13 Austria 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 >30 No data 13 Switzerland 9.8 Armenia ©2020 Milos Popovic Source: OECD (2020), Violence against women (indicator). doi: 10.1787/fieb4876-en (Accessed on 24 November 2020) 8.2 Georgia 6.1 BALKANCHAD](
Balkan Memes